Can't Stand...

I personally can't stand when people think that being gay is wrong. I think you are who you are. I'm straight, but I don't judge people when they arent! It just really upsets me that people who are gay are still being discriminated against today. We talk about how terrible it was when blacks were discriminated against, but I think this is terrible too! We all share this small planet! We all share the same problems! We all bleed, red blood! Our hair turns white no matter what nationality you ARE!  We are all human beings deserving of the same rights and privilege's of all. We all work, pay taxes, federal and states like anybody else, we like you have families, children, aunts and uncles, grandparents like anybody else. We cry at the lost of loved ones and dearest of friends, life time partners. We share the lost of our military peoples whom fight bravely to keep our shores safe through out the world and many of us are serving this great nation called America, the great, the beloved! People need to wake up and realize, if GOD is so almighty and loving, then why would he send an innocent man or woman to hell for loving? GOD ain't like that. We are all equals and should be treated as such. So the haters are irrelevant. Just to let you know I love you all. I don't judge and don't expect to be so.


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Why hate? We're all humans living on Earth.
This is were people get this wrong. God does not send people to hell for being gay. He says people who do not trust in him or accept him as there lord in savior. Simply people who reject him or hate him. So it doesn't matter if your gay or not. Yes, god says gay is wrong. but so is lying. God will not give you a bigger punishment to a person who's gay then to a person who lies. God sees all sin the same. So if your gay, but you accept god as your lord and savior and trust him with your life. You will be saved and go to heaven. Most people say "oh if our gay you go to hell." but it not like that. God wrote the bible for us to live by not speak by. and most get that wrong to. It's so easy that it's hard. and it's really hard to explain without someone taking it the wrong way to so please do't take this wrong. I love everyone the same and I accept everyone.
zicute #3

respect. ^^
Boxxinamja #6
Amen. Amen, sister.
Same here....
I'm totally okay with homoual relationship as well with lesbians....there no need to hate them.
but ppls are mean & afraid of changes thats why they judge...
my family is against them while I'm on their support...
I totally support your idea!!!
I don't mind people who is gay/lesbian/biual I think is normal
I totally support your idea as much as I support gay/lesbian/biual.
I know how it felt like.. :)
As a Christian, I know for a fact that regardless of how a person is, God will continue to love them. Who am I to say what is forbidden. God loves us all, God tells us not to pass judgement on others, so who am I to go out and point a finger at anyone when I know that I am not perfect either, no one is, but God loves us all the same. Regardless of gender, race, religion, ual orientation, whatever, God loves us and gives us compassion and mercy. I'm not gay nor will I ever be, but that doesn't mean I will shun someone out because they are gay. No. Gay individuals are humans, too. I don't judge one for being gay, they love who they love. And when I see someone who is gay, I see a person just like you and me who live life, breathe the same air, go to the same schools, get the same education as we do, love like we do, are emotional like we are and so on.

In the end GOD has the final say so, he passes all judgement and the final judgement. I am not going to point at someone and say 'You're gay, you're going to hell' because for all I know, that person is more religious than me.

God loves us all. I wish people would get that in their right mind. How can Christians call themselves as such when they go around shunning others because of who they are and what they do? Yes, in the Bible it says that it is wrong, but does it also say not to judge? Yes. We can't follow part of the Bible and change and remix other things according to how we want. We either follow all or none of it.

But, in MY eyes, God loves us all the same, therefore, we have no say in who loves who and why. My thing is, if it isn't me I won't worry about it because I can't assume, judge, talk, pick on, shun, or gossip. I wouldn't want someone doing that to me, so why do it to someone else?
And the person below me is right, too. God doesn't hate us, he hates the sin everyone commits. He loves us with every fiber of his being.
There are many sides to the story, if you really think about it. Some people says it's weird, some say because of their religions, others just wanna hate. I'm neutral with the subject of homouality, I don't support it--BUT I'm not gonna go out and judge someone based on what gender they love. As a Christian, I just have to pray for them. But it's not always seen that way with others who disagree with me. They think Christians are bigots because they don't support gay rights.

If we don't support them, we hate them. If we don't hate them, we HAVE to support them. People who support gay rights become so narrow-minded that it really gives no other party with a reasonable explanation a chance to explain why they don't. The system is really screwy, just like politics (LOL).

And as for God sending people to Hell--he didn't create Adam and Steve, he created Adam and Eve. In other words, God meant for man and woman to love, not man and man or woman and woman.

Some don't see it that way, either. They think God is some cruel despot who picks and chooses whom he thinks deserves entry into Heaven, and they feel the need to justify their opinion by adding "How can we decide who to love?" and whatnot. Simple--ignore the desires, but even that takes time.

Everyone needs deliverance from something--I need deliverance from reading and cursing and lots of other things, just like you probably have bad habits you wanna get rid of. It goes to show how messed up EVERYONE can be.

I don't mean to be religious or anything, I'm just adding my input. Like I said before, I'm neutral in this situation--I don't support gays, but I'm not prejudiced against them either.

Don't take this the wrong way, cuz it's happened before with someone else on here.
Aww~ I feel what you feel. I can't tell my family I'm a biual coz they won't approve of it. It sickening... It's not my fault that I like both girls and boys right?

Sometimes, things just happen the way it is...
So sad world.

Full of criticizers and haters..

Just because of ual preference, we've got to be hated.
And God made is perfectly and fair.
No one is above us aside from him because HE look at us FAIR AND EQUAL when he created us.