There's Nothing Wrong With Wall Advertisements But ...


It's lunch time now and I'm contemplating whether I should waste my precious break time to post this blog up. Honestly, I was rather pissed off today. If you know me, I don't really get angry with others easily. I try to keep calm when there are issues because I want peace. But that doesn't mean you can take advantage of me. 


The issue I'm addressing is wall advertisement. I notice how common wall advertisements have been, considering how I received an advertisement on my wall the instant I've an account on AFF. I'm not even kidding. Initially, I thought nothing of it since writers are just promoting their stories to gain more readers and potential subscribers. I merely deleted them when someone posted an advertisement on my wall. But as wall advertisements became so much more frequent, I began to wonder 'is my wall a place for your advertisement?'Of course, it's not. My wall is a place for interactions with friends. It's where friends/strangers drop by just to greet or talk to me. This started to piss me off but I didn't really want to blow this up because I wanted to keep peace. All I did was to include 'Do not advertise on my wall' on my profile page and advertisements on my wall dropped significantly. I'm like 'Yay, it works'. 


But today, I was utterly pissed off. Extremely pissed off. A writer advertised on my wall a week ago and please note that I didn't even mind at all back then. Because I thought maybe he/she didn't realize that I don't like wall advertisements. And so, I decided to reply on her wall NICELY and let her know that I dislike advertisement on my wall and some of our users here don't like wall advertisements too. I even advised/reminded her to check someone's profile before advertising too. Here's my reply:



I mean isn't this an advertisers' responsibility? You don't simply say 'I'm sorry for taking up your wall space' or 'Sorry if you don't like this' blah blah blah. Excuse me? Do you like people saying sorry after slapping you across the face? That's my point. 'I don't know' isn't an excuse for you to take advantage of others. At least scroll down someone's profile before you advertise on their wall. 


BAM, guess what? Her advertisement appeared on my wall a week later. What? So my wall post was ignored now. That instant, I almost lost my cool. Just almost. So I decided to post on her wall "It's downright rude if you advertise on someone's wall if she had clearly stated not to. Apparently you ignored my message or perhaps you didn't even read it. If you don't even bother to check your wall, don't advertise on someone's wall." Yes, if you don't even read the messages on your wall, why are you even advertising on someone's wall? That's plain contradicting. But if you've read my 'warning' and you decided to post on my wall, that's infuriating and I definitely have the right to be angry. 


I don't think I sounded harsh (or did I?) because I just want to raise her awareness. And the next second (of course not, maybe a few minutes later), my post on her wall was deleted. Oh my god, this certainly pissed me off. Yes, I'm pissed off now. Excuse me, if you've read my post, wouldn't it be more feasible if you choose to delete your advertisement on my wall than deleting my message on your wall? I don't understand what she was thinking. Perhaps she didn't want other people to find out or know about such stuff. But what's there to hide? After you've read my wall post, you simply delete it? At least delete your own advertisement. I feel disheartened to be dealing with such a minor issue that can be resolved in almost an instant. But you don't piss someone off and expect the other party to not be pissed off. The world doesn't work that way; I don't too.


I wouldn't want wall advertisements to be banned because it's a form of promotion for some writers and it's some sort of an exposure for readers. But please note that as much as advertising isn't wrong, advertising when being told not to do so is definitely offending. There are some users (like me) out there who don't like their wall to be flooded with advertisements. Check and confirm before posting your advertisement. Go ahead if users are not against it. This is your responsibilty. 


If you've read my blog post, please reflect upon yourself. There are responsible advertisers who do check out people's profile page before promoting their fanfics. Why can't you? 


P.s. Deleting my wall post won't make much of a difference. 


Updated on 18/11/2012 20:55;

Everyone, thanks for all of your concern and suggestions! ^^ She has already removed her advertisement and sent a message of apology to me. I'm not going to make things difficult for her but just a word of caution to all advertisers. Every users have their responsibility. If you intend to promote your fanfic on someone elses' wall, make sure to check and confirm before posting your advertisement. 



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She should at least remove the advertisement on your wall...
That's really rude of her. You can actually restrict your profile and your wall to be viewed by only your friends on AFF now. Then advertisers won't be able to touch your wall anymore :)
Ya, she shouldn't have just deleted your wall post. If she had the time to read and delete your wall post, she could have deleted her own advertisement and said sorry. Just what's wrong with the users nowadays... Anyway, it's really nice of you to let these advertisers know their responsibility. I hope they will understand.
I'm one of those that actually do read advertised stories. Some stories are really good while some are just blehhh. But I can understand your anger especially since you went an extra mile out to warn the advertiser. That is really rude for her to delete your wall post. I hope she will realise her mistake soon and apologize to you!
I won't block her because the rationale of this blog is to let advertisers (including her) know their responsibility when they're advertising their fanfics. It's not simply a 'post and go' stuff.

I'm assuming that advertisements are useful since readers do visit these advertised story. I just think it's plain rude to piss off someone, expecting nothing to be done at all.
I've done with dealing with Ads since long ago. I just delete them without even care. It was nice of you to warn her.
Anyway, why not try to block her profile or something? At least that will help if she ever try to advertise again (I doubt she will stop any time soon). I've never blocked someone before, so I don't really know how that work, but it doesn't hurt to try.