Kpop GIF Challenge [Stolen]


Use every 7th gif.

No cheating.



This is you:
This is your best friend:
This is what your parents are like:
What you do when you’re alone:
How strangers see you:
 Your favorite fandom:
Your taste in music:
 If you had a superpower it would be:

The power of fangirling (?)

Your thoughts on school:
Technically true since I was all like that the day I left XD
 Your parents’ reaction to you going out on your first date:

Lol, it's scary how accurate this one is...

 What you do on Friday nights:
What you do on the weekends:
 You in the morning:

Don't exactly know what I did the night before but apparently I don't regret it the next morning >.<

What you do in class instead of listening to the teacher:
I never was a 'school' type of person.
Your reaction to failing a test/class:
Your reaction to passing a test/class:
 Your reaction to graduating:
Your feelings on the world:
What you would do if it ended:
Seems legit...
 Your job:
 Who you end up marrying:
Yay! At least life will never be boring XD
How your kids act:
How you die: 
Your friends at your funeral:
Aw it's nice to know they'd care that I was gone :]
Well that's the end...
Until next time x 


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