it's time for remonedo's occasional rants again.

simple grammar mistakes in the fanfics(no matter how well the plot is) always got me irritated.


Disclaimer: i know that my "i" here is always in small capitals, i just like it that way. it's got nothing to do with grammar. hahaha.


some grammar mistakes that i find absoultely irritable are:

1) confusing their and they're

yes. such simple words. but ...

example : their going to watch a horror movie together.

correction  : they're going to watch a horror movie together.

example : they're jaws dropped.

correction : their jaws dropped

just a note: usually it's because you pronounce "they're" and "their" similarly, thus the confusion.

pronunciation of "their" is more like "there" with an acent. i'm serious. that's the correct way. not [de-ahr]<< if you get me???


2) confusing it's and its

example : its a beautiful day.

correction : it's a beautiful day.

example : Jae Joon pet the dog's head, earning a of appreciation from it's wet tongue.

correction : Jae Joon pet the dog's head, earning a of appreciation from its wet tongue.

so... its is just... "its"

while it's can mean "it is" or "it has"


3) confusing he's and his

4) confusing i my me and mine

5) confusing live and leave

6) confusing then and than

7) confusing these and this

8) confusing mind and mine {terrible spelling error, means totally different things}


and many more...

i'm not a grammar freak, but i get annoyed when there's just these few self-acclaimed grammar freaks who did these in their stories as well.

typing too fast? then you should proofread before posting. there's no excuses.

as for me, i know that i can never perfect my grammar, it's just horrendous, terrible and absolutely illegible. so yea, that's why i don't write stories/fanfics 

i respect readers with eyes.



to be updated since it's so late already. it's 03 30h here.

sighs. oh. and peeps, i'm crashing at my grandma's in m'sia(do note: i live in sg, and SG and MY are 2 different countries. thank you)







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the its bother me sometimes and I fail. T_T don't eat me
chingou #2
uh oh... I tend to get the it's and its wrong...
Seriously, it's unforgivable that even my sister knows the difference, and she's seven.
True. Such mistakes are terribly annoying. So I tend to not read those kind of fanfics.
LOL I feel the same way! My grammar is probably terrible too. xD