Got Featured!!! Hurray!!! Pic of Me?

I never thought I would reach my goals in aff this year o_o


My initial goal was 1000 subscribers but it has reached 2000 now <3


My initial goal was part of the top 200 authors since I was ranked 300 something when I first found out about author ranks but now I'm part of the top 100.


I also had some sort of goal of one of my fics being featured but I wasn't expecting.  However, all of the sudden changes in aff made it possible for me from a sudden increase in karma to advertising and now...


Just today, I wondered why I got 4 comments for Suicide Diary.  I would understand one or two but 4 is quite much considering that it has been days/weeks since it has been advertised.  Then in one of the comments, it said that it deserves to be featured so I looked at Suicide Diary's foreword and... wesfgnskjldelskdmbfv OMIGOSH!!! A YELLOW STAR!!!!!!!!!


It turns out Suicide Diary is featured as a rated M fic. bWAHAHHAHAAHHAHAH!!! 


Another good news is that my dad is going to be discharged tomorrow.  Actually, he can be discharged today but he just decided to stay one more day.  Thank God for health insurance @_@  That thing is really helpful to old people.


Anyway, my mom and I decided to go out for a "walk" at IT park (those from Cebu would know this XD) and it has a bazaar so we decided to look through the shops and... ended up buying shirts XD


Since I'm in a good mood, I'm going to show you a pic of us wearing the two shirts we've bought.

We're wearing the same shirt but different  in black and white color if you haven't noticed ^^  


My mom is 55 but it's not obvious, right? ^^ Kekeke! She likes wearing headbands.  If you're curious about my age... you can always check it out on my aff profile XD


Shall go back to replying my lovely commenters now~ Of course if you comment on this blog entry, I'll reply too <3





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whoa!! Congrats!!
Congrats on getting featured!xD And yea i think i subscribed to that fic!:)
KimPossible21 #3
:o u have insta?
can we follow each other?
CheonByeol #4
Omo your Mom doesn't look older than 40. (That's why I admire and envy Asian girls/women.)
The pic is cute and i loved that story
Congratulations, Unnie ^^
/throws confetti/
SapphireQueen #7
woah congratulations! :D
all the big numbers *Q*

yay! your dad's getting discharged :DD
haha kyote!
hae_ki #8
wow~! really? charmos ginamos! congrasts! samoka aning separate feat for rated M... dli in normal days... grrr...

mura mo'g students ni tita...
char~ dili obvious plus +5 golden girl na si tita XD
I'm happy for all the good luck you're having unnie^^ Congrats for you story being featured, and you and your mom look really cute~ And going to a bazaar sounds really interesting, I wish I lived in a place where there was cool stuff to do:/ Great news about your dad too~
kagaki #10
Congrats for one of your stories to be featured <3
Congrats on being featured~ and yay~ 2012 was a great year for goals~ ^^ <3 the pic of you and your mom is cute! ^^ oh! And I'm glad to hear about your dad. ^^<3
Kironstree #12
Congratulations, you deserve it! XD

I'm happy to hear about your dad~
I'm so happy for you unnie. Because you really deserve to be featured. I're stories are just so...flawless. XD
AND you and your mom are so cute~ XDD