owner | shop | author | story | request | status | probable reply date

jatinobombre | supreme designs | shinee_blingbling | how my life changed | poster + bg | done. not uploaded | 18 nov

kath_elf5hawol | peppermint bites | maknaelove | letting go | poster | not started | 22 nov

- | - | ndinsane | marrying this stupid arrogant guy | bg | not started | 26 nov

- | - | onewsarang | it started with a ki...dnapping | bg | not started | 26 nov

bluerose236 | maid cafe graphics | fatoma | my precious | poster | doing | 23 nov

more coming...



did i miss out anyone? 'cause i know i do but my inbox is confusing me.

i should really do this daily. just to keep track of my stuffs. orz

to all shop owners i'm employed in : total of ... 20? idk ... orz

i'm now officially free. and can do 3 requests per day.



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