
ShaWols!! We've all seen the kiss by now, yes? If not, here it is:

Yes, that's right. Jonghyun kissed Minho.

Now, I've never been a JongHo shipper, and I always found this pairing kind of odd. It just wasn't my cup of tea. However, after seeing them kiss, it doesn't seem so weird anymore.

Don't get me wrong, I still don't ship it; but once I see it, it makes it easier to believe.

Are there any of you out there that feel this way? I know majority of ShaWols are JongKey and 2min shippers, so how do you all feel about it? And what about you JongHo shippers? Do you feel as though you can talk about your pairing freely now?

I'm a curious person ㅋㅋㅋ ^^


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