Friday... :)

Today is Friday... I began my day with a bad start. Woke up late, was in a rush, my mom was rising me more, didn't have a proper breakfast... That's the 3 day I didn't get a proper breakfast.

And things did not get better. I walked in to literature and saw my least favorite substitute teacher...crap. The whole period was crappy and boring cause it was like she was deaf or something. She would be all "What? What did you say? No, you're comparing the physical difference." -_-

But I liked Language Arts. It was fun, so we went to the computer pan and I finished my writing. Then my friend Naomi, Cierra, and I went on club penguin and we just spent the rest of our period on there. Then I got bored and Naomi showed me this 1D music video...

Anyways, moving on to Enrichment which was Social Studies. I walked in with my fwiends and saw another sub...this time it's a guy and he's old...

So Social Studies went...okay. It was loud and crap XD

Moving on to P.E!!!! :DDD I'm excited. Lol.

I was excited and was thinking/hoping it would be fun like yesterday! ^^; I came in the lockers room a bit late and went to the bathroom before going out so I was kind of late for the warm up. When I walked out we sort of start warming up. But luckily, you know who wasn't out there yet xD So he came out and he was swinging his arms around and yeahhhh...

So warm up started and yeah. So during the leg lift, I lifted up my head a bit and it wasn't as bad. And of course, being the kind of weirdo I am, I looked around look other peeps. And like me and Francisco looked at each other and we laughed xD And then we leg lift ended and the push ups began. And Jeret's all "My wrist hurts! I can't do push ups!" but in the end, he did push ups with one hand xDDD

We played kickball and he wasn't on my team because it was sevies vs eighties... cool story, Roberts xD

And I was trying to catch a ball and freaking it hit my left wrist so hard it started burning and I bet some people saw me...and like for the rest of the first round, I was freaking holding my wrist acting like I just broke it. ( I AM DRAMATIC. XD) But freaking burned and hurt!):

And yeahhhh...stuff happened... No one got Jeret out and I was like " -___- You just trip him and throw the ball so he could get out!" cause all he does is run and everyone's all "Over here! Over here! *throws!* *Epicly miss*" XD

5th period was okayyy... too much whispering and I don't like it when peeps whisper. XD

Then came recess and OMG, I was freaking out xD And like Louee approached me and we talked and my friends slowly back away cause they usually don't join the convo xD

And Louee is all "How was DJ?"

Me; He's...okay. He can walk now!

Louee; No , I know he walks. I can see

Me; /laugh/

Louee; How's your little boyfriend?

Me; boyfriend...?

Louee; The dude you like...

Me; Oh, he's good I guess...?

Louee; You should talk to him! You guys are so cute together!

Me; Hahaha. It's awkward!

Louee; Just say hi to him!

Me; Nooo... XD

Louee; Guess what, it's my birthday today?

Me; Really? Todayyyy?

Louee; /Nods/


Louee; You just messed up my fingers.

XD and then he was like "I'm gonna go now." and I was like "Byeee!" and then when I walked towards my friends he yelled "HAVE A LOVELY DAYYY!" And I was like "You too! :D"


My fwiends are so sweet :')

This dude Aaron is so freaking funny during Social Studies. 

and Markie was like yelling across the room when we were doing our work "THUY VY! WHAT'S THE CAPITAL OF YOUR HOME COUNTRY?!" XDD





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