Thank you so much.

This had been the best day of the year for me. The best birthday ever also. I'm just like, why do I deserve such amazing friends. Yesteday was one of the days where I would break down and try to comfort one of the most important girls in my life. To be honest, I really think that the way I comfort people won't even help at all. I wasn't even sure if I should write all these things to her when I read that post she wrote on facebook. But once I read it, I don't know. Everything inside me just, ugh I can't find the correct word to even describe how I felt at that time. Then again, whatever I did at that time, I would have done it all over again. I never really, like really, knew that it would help. To be honest I never thought I was really that important to her when I thought I really treasure her. Its probably weird that I would care so much for a person that I only met for like 5months only. While I was being all mad at her for thinking about herself like that, I didn't know when but tears started falling. Why ? I don't even know myself. I was also webcaming with her at that time and somehow I felt like I was the one who made her cry. She was wiping her tears while I didn't dare to look at her face through my ipod because I was scared of what I would say to her. Whatever she had experienced, I felt like she didn't deserve that at all. I can't imagine how she felt like when she updated so much status with negative things about herself.  

I don't even think I can continue that big paragraph but I just can't imagine why shes so important to me. She wrote something similar on my wallpost and Its the same for me. Why are you much more important to me than my real life friends ? I've only knew you since August 2012 when I knew them since elementary or junior highschool, and I've been through much more problems with them than you. And why are you still this important ? Me, myself, I don't know the real answer but all I know is that you're seriously important if not special. On one of your wallposts you said that I didn't tell you most of my problems but I remember saying this, my problems can't be compared to yours. You've been through much worse than me that I don't think I should be bothering someone who had it even worse. The times when I would be so cheesy; Ariya, you think I did so much for you when I don't think I did at all. If my words ever comforted you really, I can't.  I can't even comfort people correctly. Thankyou for doing whatever you did for me. If I ever have any problems, I'd probably go to you first. 

P.S : crying now .____. 

I will never ever have the chance to explain to you. Like seriously never. Words would never describe how I feel towards you like really. Its not what I would want from a friendship but its the best one I would probably ever have so far. 
Thankyou for even making a blog post that had random users wishing me a Happy Birthday. I didn't expect that kind of blog from you. Its fine that you didn't advertise my wall because whatever you do, I would think its really touching. Probably not the word I wanted to use but you would know what I mean. 

P.P.S : MusicChibi was just playing Gangnam Style.. now BAP - Power .. back to my blog post.

So I thank everyone who wished me a happy birthday. Also to all my friends who gave me their wonderful presents. 
Esp. Ariya who spammed me with her letters that had me trying to read it during class and during my free periods. Been bragging about how I even got a friend like her in the first place.

This blog post was originally supposed to be a post about my birthday but instead, it was almost all about Ariya. Girl, I love you [not. 3] I'm sorry I said that phrase without thinking but like you said, that would happen one day but when is it ? When it does happens guess what, I'd spend my time re-reading all my screenshots I took about you and the derpy pictures I took thats of you. Then I'll smile like a idiot thinking back to our failures. Once again, thankyou Ariya c; !


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Well it's still not past 12 so I'll say this for the probably 10th time now. Happy Birthday.
Michi, what are you doing to me, seriously. I was so happy and everything and now I'm trying hard not to cry. Thank you, really. I can't thank you enough for all that you've done. You might think that you really didn't do anything but you're wrong. I feel like I'm not alone and as if someone cares for me. I feel special and important because of you, Michi. Thanks for coming into my life because if you didn't, I don't know what I would've done. Thanks for always being there for me even when you, yourself, was upset but you cared for me even so. And in all honestly, you've been there longer compared to all my other friends both online and in real. You mean a lot to me, and I'll continue to treasure you for eternity. Love you, girl. <3