Some sentimental artwork [Art]

I was recently inspired after looking through my old book collection and finding my two Calvin and Hobbes books that my father had given me when I was really young. He'd said that I was a lot like Calvin (considering my knack for getting in trouble and wild imagination) and thought that it would be just up my alley. Needless to say, I fell in love with Bill Waterson's comedy, art style, and just overall wit. Looking through the books now as a fourteen year old artist, I've started to realize that my brother has taken on the role as the new Calvin in the house (the nine year old doesn't yet know the angst that lies beyond in high school...lucky kid...) and I've become a Hobbes kind of person, this picture only felt right. In looking at our roles, and how I used to be as a child, I see now that my brother and I are not as different as we seem. While our interests may differ, there's still a part of me that will always be like little Calvin, quick to get angry, and always jumping to the most insane conclusions.

To Xander,
When I think you're old enough to really understand this, I'll let you read it. There's a lot of things you aren't going to understand right now, and I know it's tough trying to figure out why I'm so moody all the time. I assure you, I'm not crazy (er...not as crazy as you think..). I know I may act like a jerk at times, and I have a strange OCD about our bedroom door being closed, and I may even act like I hate you sometimes. Trust me when I say that this isn't the case. At the end of the day, I still only feel comfortable knowing you're on the bottom bunk of the bed, getting ready to go to sleep along with me. So just wait, okay? One day, we'll be able to look back and laugh at how ridiculous we were.

Always remember that you are the Calvin to my Hobbes, and I will never stop loving you, no matter how demented you are. Because, let's face it, I'm just as batty as you.




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Sometimes I wonder how it's like to have siblings, esp. brothers.
//is the ONLY child
Sometimes I wonder how it's like to have a younger sibling. ; A;
//is the youngest child