Releasing Frustrations

This is the first time I've done a blog like this. But I guess people have to blow off some steam once in a while. And Izzy, don't say I'm overreacting. Let me vent my feelings about her LOL xD

So...this girl... I mean it'd be great if I liked her. She's plays on both teams if you know what I mean and she shares lockers with me and has the same classes and constantly, she clings on my arm and throws herself on me and corners me in the corner of the locker room and insists to help me change. Then she feeds me and buys me ice cream when I'm sad lol. I'm fine with whatever. I didn't and don't like her and as far as I knew, she's just touchy. But you know what? She gets me so mad sometimes. -.-

She starts getting verbally abusive and she starts calling me stupid and an idiot and saying it's weird how I ended up being at this school if I'm like this. And I withstood it for so long just passing it, thinking maybe she was just kidding. But the moment she told other people, the moment I asked my other friend about it and she was there saying it was true, that was really the last straw.

And now she wonders why I don't respond to her "you don't love me"s or her whining of how life's against her and all that stuff she complains about. Despite her knowing I'm becoming more distant with her, she still pulls on my shorts and leans on my shoulder and touches up my thighs. Really? I hope one day, soon, she'll get the idea that I want to be as far away from her as possible. Because the moment school starts she's on me, arms around neck. >.<

Then, there's him. XD He can be the sweetest thing ever and cute and charming. But ignoring the fact I told my friends I like him, I'm not so sure. I know at least I prefer him. I prefer to spend time with him but I don't know. He's proper and fancy I guess you could say and also in how he carries myself and treats others. And he's oblivious too which is good with all my friends are doing to make it obvious xD Today it was raining and he walked me to my car under his umbrella and I was all....asdfghjklskdu. But it's just been 2 weeks I think, since me and him started hanging out. Though I think over time, I think I'll prefer him more and more, I don't think it'll ever amount to what I felt for this other person before, a long time ago. My friends don't know why I'm hesitant and I can't tell them. I don't have the strength to do that. I'm not sure if I'm using him, deep in my mind, to forget. I don't know why I try so hard to be with him. Shouldn't just flow if you truly did like someone? I just hope in the end I make the right decision, not waiting for that special person to come back, because I know they won't, at least come back and be the way they once were.


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rae_rae #1
torn in between? :))))))
im sure the girl means well, i guess she is just overly attacted to you, but seriously who wouldn't you're an awesome person noona xD

the difference between liking someone and like liking someone (if you get what i mean) is quite big and that is why a lot of people become heartbroken and whatnot.
So my advice is, IT'S THE GUYS JOB TO ASK GIRLS OUT!! xD anyway it sounds like you're starting to become like eo tho tho it is the other gender, but anyway GOODLUCK NOONA!!! x3
Ahaha xDD I still think you are overreacting unnie xDD
But okayyyyy thennnn~~ lol x)

I think you should wait though unnie. If it's only been 2 weeks then don't rush it. Arasso ?
Saranghae <3 I hope you get through this with no regrets ^.^
kesujo #5
You're life sounds so complicated :/
I sorta feel sorry for you, since I sorta can relate (not to the touchy friend thing, though ... I mean for guys, that's just awkward) because my life, recently, has been like afjd;skaljgragoweryiqowa as well

But especially love ... I mean, it's pretty complicated for me, and I'm also torn on who I really love, and ...
but enough about me, I'm not trying to say "see, my life is worse" XP
What I AM trying to say, is that I know how you feel, so you're not alone :D
there are tons of people on here to ask about a guy's point of view on something like romance, there are people on here to ask. Of course, I'm always available, but any one of your guy friends on here, I'm sure, would be glad to answer :DD

(btw, writing that three some right now ... so hard DX)
parttimejob #6
well for me in my life when im try to my fullest hardesst to be with someone else that because im try to run away from the other one kiddo...well thats me and i dun know about you kid...