come at me bro || request shop 2 || Reviewer Application

“ Reviwer Forms ”

|| username: EverLasting_Cloud

|| (nick)name: Jessie

|| link to profile: CLICKY!

|| about you: I am a junior in high school (11th grade), and I've always wanted to join a review shop. I've never worked in a review shop, but I love to read and critique stories. I love to sing, dance, and play piano, so I am a very musical person. I am obsessed with getting good grades and being a good student, especially in English and Chemistry. I have always done well in school, especially reading, writing, and spelling. I'm an easygoing person most of the time, but I will be serious when need be. I also love to act, and perform skits. Other random information about me includes that I love tacos, the color purple, and sea turtles. Anyways, I am usually a very interesting and random person, and I am very friendly, though shy at first.

|| how often are you on asianfanfics: All of the time, except when I'm at my mom's one weekend a month because I get now wifi or phone service up there. I'm on AFF on my ipad during school, and my laptop at home. I'd say I'm on 99% of the time. ^_^

|| how long would it take you to finish one request (approx.): 1-3 days, depending on how long the story is and how busy I am.

|| do you work at any other shops? ~

|| is English your first language? Yes.

|| are you a strict reviewer: I can be, but I'm usually not that strict, especially if English isn't the author's first language.

|| (2+) examples of your writing: First  || Second || Third
|| review these:

1 -

Living in the Bay Area it is more relaxed here then any other place in the USA, we can tolerate alot more then someone in Oklahoma. Which is in the Midwest. For instance we have many different races and cultures then they do in Oklahoma. So we do not become shocked when we see homoual relationships, but Oklahomans would because they do not see much of that type of relationships. To us if a person is homoual that is there business. The reason I mention this is would it be acceptable for me to tell Bob from Oklahoma that it is perfectly fine for homoual relationships and that there is nothing wrong? So as trivial as this may sound if I may be so bold to ask is it alright to impose my feelings about my culture of experience of homoual relationships to Bob and his culture of little or no experience of homoual relationships?

Title: ~/5 (No title.)

Description/Foreword:~ /5 (No description.)

Plot: 10/20 Is it supposed to be about opening up other people's minds to homouality? Where is this story going? I like the main idea though.

Originality/Creativity: 6/10 (Not much to base the creativity off of.)

Characterization: 5/15 I only know the characters' names, but nothing about them or who they are.

Grammar and Spelling: 18/20 A few grammatical errors here and there, but nothing too bad.

Flow: ~/15 (There wasn't much to base the flow off of.)

Overall Enjoyment: 6/10 I liked the main idea of it, but it's short and has no basis to it.

Total: 45/100

|| do you read ? Yes. ^^

|| your rubric

Title: /5

Description/Foreword: /5

Plot: /20

Originality/Creativity: /10

Characterization: /15

Grammer and Spelling: /20

Flow: /15

Overall Enjoyment: /10

Total: /100



If you choose me, the display picture I'd want is this one.~

I hope you choose me, author-nim! ^^



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