I Hate It When...

I hate it when people think I'm weird just because I'm quiet, shy, and don't fit in.

I hate it when people judge me based on my appearances, I already know what my flaws are, they don't need to point them out to me, thank you very much.

I hate it when people think I'm fishing for compliments because I insult myself. I grew up being insulted, so that's just how my brain is trained to think.

I hate it when I can't accept a compliment and just stand there all awkwardly.

I hate it when I don't let anyone too close to me because I know I'll hurt them.

I hate it when I think a guy is cute, but don't have the nerve to like him because I know they don't like me.

I hate it when I get nervous and shake and stutter.

I hate it when I feel all alone.

I hate it when I compare myself to my friends, because I always feel like the odd one out, like the lesser person in the group.

I hate it when guys only like me for my s. >.>

I hate it when people STARE at my tit-tays.

I hate it when people stare, period.

I hate getting my period.

I hate being a girl. 'Nuff said.

I hate it when I get jealous of people because they have everything.

I hate it when I get lonely and only have my teddy bear named Taemin to cuddle with.

I hate it when people piss me off or say rude things.

I hate it when people act arrogant.

But most of all, I hate it when I hate myself.


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