Day 7: Your character is at his first day of his new job of being a college professor. Describe what takes place in the first hour.

Day 7: Your character is at his first day of his new job of being a college professor. Describe what takes place in the first hour.

hehehehehe day 7 already! anyways this is Ft Key and MiKyong. ^_^


             Key was walking to the classroom where he was supposely subing in for a while. Earlier that week he had recieve a call from the school to offer him a part time job that had previously lost a teacher and since the school was trying to get him in to help at times too. He was actually excited since he wanted to share his talent with other people who have the same talent as him.

            He  swallow his siliva before entering in. He look up at Room Plate. Advance Rap Class. He was told that the class is usally full of girls since the guys are only in the class for the first semester. He had also heard a rumor about the previous young teacher leaving his teaching career for a student. He took a deep breath as he walked into the room full of chatter. All talking stop as he came to the front of the class.

             "Yo class. I'm Mr. Kim Kibum Key." the student mumble around. "Yes the same Key from SHINee!" he gavethem his famous smile. "And no when Rapping you dont always have to say Yo." He smile.

              A girl raised her hand. "Are you married yet, Key?" She smirk.

             "First question already." He smile. He shook his head. "No not yet. But one day when things are less stress and when i have more time." He reply back.

             Questions from few boys and the lots girls kept coming from everyone. Usually about SHINee and SMent and more. Except for the one student who was nodding her head to the rap from her headphones. Key looks at her to study her for a while. "Alright, we're going to play a rapping game so that i can remember your name. Lets start with me!"

              He stood there thinking of one. he scratch his head, embrassed. "I cant think of one. Why dont you guys start first." One by one the student all went. Key laughed at some of them since they were funnyu. At the last 5 minutes there was only MiKyong left. Key went to tap her desk to get her attention.

             She looked up and her eyes widen. "F!ck my life." She curse under her breathe. She looked out the window, bursted her music louder and ignored him. He smile knowing that he still remember him. He Tapped her should.

            She smack his gand away and slam her hands on the desk, stood up and glared at him. "What do you want?"  The student was shock to hear that from MiKyong. Yes the was the better rapper out of everyone and she was usually very nice to everyone. Well okey, everyone but Key.

             "I'm Mr. Kim and as a sub for now, we're playinga a rapping game. You are the last one." Key raised an eyebrow at her. She sigh and sat down. 

              "My name is MiKyong. And this is my song." She pulled the headphone out and it was her rapping to Minho's and Key's part to Ready or Not. He was surprise. "i got to go. So later ***." and she walks out.

              Key dismiss the class. After he was alone he smile. "So she still remembers me." He shook his head and walks out of the classroom. He was surprise to see MiKyong leaning against the wall there outside of the classroom. "Why aren't you gone yet? It's already dark and it's not safe for you to walk alone." He told her.

             She push herself off the wall and walked down the hallway as Key watch her go. She suddenly stop and look over her shoulder. "So are you coming or not?" She continue to walk away. He smile as he run to catch up to her which he did.

             "My treat this time right?" Key ask.

             She nodded. "I treated you when you dragged me away from Chaliena and mine's Coffee meet up remember." Key nodded. "Now treat me to sushi." She stop to look at Key but he keeps walking. She smirk. He keep walking and them suddenly WHAM! She jumped on his back as he gave her a piggy back ride out to his car.

i know short but simple! ^_^

hope yall enjoy!



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hahahahha good to hear! XD lol.
Hehehehe *smiles uncontrollably*
sorry oppa! i'll try to make my other ones longer! i was over at my aunties house when i was writing this and i had to babysit at the moment! XD lol.
VampireKnights #5
noooooooooo really short so not fair * pouts *
I literally read the title of this and was all <br />
"Ohhhh THIS is going to be GOOODDDD >:3"