A Beautiful Song In Spanish :)


Hello everyone! I felt like sharing this song in Spanish that I really like :) If you didn't know, my first language is Spanish lol. 


It's by the Mexican singer Julieta Venegas. The song is called 'Andar Conmigo', it would be something like 'To Be With Me' or 'Being With Me' in English.



Here are the lyrics and translation (not made by me, I'm lazy xD) 


Hay tanto que quiero contarte

Hay tanto que quiero saber de ti,
Ya podemos empezar poco a poco.
Cuéntame qué te trae por aquí.

There is so much I want to tell you
There is so much I want to know about you,
We can begin little by little now.
Tell me what brings you to these parts.

No te asustes de decirme la verdad.
Eso nunca puede estar así tan mal.
Yo también tengo secretos para darte
Y que sepas que no me sirven más.

Do not be afraid of telling me the truth.
It can never be as bad as that.
I also have secrets to give you
And know that they aren't useful to me anymore.

Hay tantos caminos por andar...
There are so many paths to thread...

Dime si tú quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh
Cuéntame si quisieras andar conmigo, oh, oh, oh


Tell me if you would like to be with me, oh, oh, oh
Tell me if you would like to be with me, oh, oh oh

Estoy ansiosa por soltarlo todo,
Desde el principio hasta llegar al día de hoy.
Una historia tengo aquí para entregarte,
Una historia todavía sin final.

I am anxious to let it all go,
From the very beginning to today.
I have a story here to hand over to you,
A story still without an end.

Podríamos decirnos cualquier cosa
Incluso darnos para siempre un siempre no,
Pero ahora frente a frente aquí sentados
Festejemos que la vida nos cruzó.

We could tell each other anything
Even give each other forever a forever no,
But right now sitting here face to face
Let us celebrate that life has crossed our paths.



I hope you liked it :)


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nice!!! it's soo what my two friends are feeling! hahaha