[OOC] Taemin and Minho = FEELS

For those who don't know, I have the BIGGEST bias toward Taemin in the history of human biases. I think I can validly say at this point that I'm in love with a man I've never met in person. Like...Oh god, okay, don't even let me get started...

But I also find Minho to be a very y individual, even if I don't have the same amount of feels for him.

Anyway, as you can probably guess, 2MIN is my ULTIMATE OTP.

And these two mofos are messing with my feels BAD right now!!

I mean, c'mon, this is practically a couple photoshoot. And have you guys ever noticed how many pictures Minho takes of Taemin? Or how much he touches his ?!?! Oh lawd, that maknae must be sore as hell...

Okay, I'm getting too worked up again.

But seriously guys.




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xD I mostly have Jongkey feels...but I don't deny 2min. I feel sad for lonely Onew though xDDDD