Do you have Facebook, Tumblr, Skype, OOVOO, Twitter? If so, what is it?


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facebook: Shalina Landry
tumblr: www.duske-vaderx1.tumblr.com
HelloLia #2
@Facebook: Tahlia Teus
Twitter: @Liateus
Tumblr: http://tahliateus.tumblr.com/

Thanks! :)
FB: Zainab Kadil Anawari
Tumblr: ssantokki-zeynii.tumblr.com
Twitter: @zeyniiDara
Facebook: Jinae Gonzalez
OOVOO: Jinaeex16
and a twitter but idk my password or anything i never go on there :3
sorry i only have this^^'
Oovoo is LonnoKenz
& My Facebook is Welcome To Land Floe
& my Tumblr is That-Crazy-Exotic & Kai-choked-on-bacon.

Yea :)
I would give you my FB, but my mom likes to snoop in my "private" stuff, so she'll be askin who you are and eventually it would lead up to her finding out about AFF and my fics. Yeah, sorry--don't wamna go thru that again.
VampireKnights #8
i have facebook..rearly using ..
i have skype ...forgot my account
i don't have the others
I have a facebook~
err.. i'd rather P.M you than just typing it here .-.