B1A4 beautiful target

I think it's a really cute song, plus the dance, it's even more cute haha! Thought of learning it tmr, seems easy, idk I hope so haha!
And I'm so unhappy with how unfair I'm treated here in my family ):
All my other siblings always gets everything immediately when they want it, even something so unimportant. But me? I really need it urgently but my mom was like "Ah later can", "next time sure ok?", like whaaaaat? So upset ok, I feel all alone here. /cries/


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sujushineegg #1
i love the "sky"!!
Sweetie ur not alone. I'm the only person in my family who likes Kpop so I feel like an outcast. We can't have conversations because my mom or my sis doesn't know what I'm talking about. Plus, my mom she's a major Christian, so she always thinks I'm up to know good when I just sit there on the computer.
And the not getting what you want: I'm in the same boat. Just kinda learned how to live with it.