Fandom wars.

Fandom wars are ridiculously childish and absurd.

When the idols themselves are good friends with each other, the fans are like cats and dogs.

When the idols cheer for each other, the fans are comparing this idol is better than that idol.

Fans could really be admirable yet could be so scary at the same time.



I love Kpop, man. Like seriously. I LOVE IT.

But this is one of the side of Kpop that really gets to my nerve every freaking time.

If you like a group, well, spazz about them. Yes, your oppas/unnies are perfect yada yada yada...

But please do respect other groups. No groups deserve to be called craps or things similar to that.

They'd passed audition long ago and trained hard before they could actually debut.

Because of their efforts, they could actually live their dreams and have fans supporting them.

Some of them even give up college just to pursue their dreams and make people happy with their songs.


Fandom war is one of the reasons that I wanted to quit Kpop long ago.

But I looked at the bright side coz there are still some fandoms that are really kind to each other.

And when, I see different fandoms support each other, I'm like: "I chose to love Kpop and I have no regrets."



I chose the right thing, right?

It better be.


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