Anyeong from New York!

Gosh, I missed this place. Yea, I know it says I live in ia, but I was born in New York. And boy, I do miss it. This was home. I love the atmosphere here. It's and alive. ia is so.......dead.

Anyway, I don't know if I'll be updating this weekend. It depends on how I'm feeling and if I'm busy. At the moment, it's my time of the month. Yea, , right? I had to go through an eight hour drive up here with the cramps. Bleh. How crappy.

Grace's thoughts on a girls' period: "I just hate Eve. Hoe makes one mistake and God kills us all. WHY COULDN'T SHE BE CONTENT WITH ?!"

So the reason why we drove up to New York is because my cousin is getting married. I love that guy. His fiancee is nice, too. The wedding is tomorrow (Sunday) at noon. I'll try to update while they're at the reception (: Peace!


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I was born in NY too~ I love NY X3<br />
Have fun!