Random Music Survey Thing~


I've never done this before so let's give it a try, shall we? (=


1.) Put your iTunes, Windows Media Player, cellphone, etc on shuffle.

2.) For each question, press the next button for your answer.

3.) You must write the song title down no matter how silly it sounds.

Lol alright, let's do this.


1.) If someone says, "Are you okay?" You say..?

2AM- I can't let you go even when you die *WHAT THE HECK..LOLOL*

2.) What would best describe your personality?

Infinite- Fix Star *Don't get it..."

3.) How would you describe yourself?

Jay Park- Do what we do *This is a VERY dirty song by the way* LOL whattthhhfreeeaakk. LOL

4.) What do you like in a guy/girl?

Juniel- Everlasting Sunset

5.) How do you feel today?

Infinite- Paradiseee~

6.) What is your life's purpose?

B2ST- Beautiful<3

7.) What's your motto?

4Men- Baby Baby...* uhhh*

8.) What do your friends think of you?

MBLAQ- Cry *what is this suppose to mean*

9.) What do your parents think of you?

Exo-K : Two Moons~

10.) What do you think about very often?

ZE:A - Dirty Cat *what the heck..*

11.) What is 2 + 2?

Infinite- Infinitize~ LOLOLOL

12.) What do you think of your best friend?

Shinee- Graze *whattheheck*

13.) What is your life story?

S.M Ballad - Love Again *this is sad~

14.) What do you wanna be when you grow up?

2pm- I Can't *LOLOL*

15.) What do you think when you see the person you like?

Miss A- Times up *huh...

16.) What will you do at your wedding?

B1A4- Wonderful Tonight~ :D

17.) What will they play at your funeral?

One Direction- What Makes you Beautiful... *LIKE A BOSS* 

18.) What's your hobby/specialty?

b2st - Soom

19.) What's your biggest fear?

Block B- Movies Over

20.) What do you want right now?

Sistar- I Choose to Love you <3 YESEUUUU~

21.) What do you think of your friends?

Big Bang- Foolish Love... *whattheheck

22.) What's your biggest secret?

B1A4- So Fineee~

23.) What's the worst thing that could happen?

Miss A- From One to Ten

24.) What is the one thing you regret?

B2ST- Fictionn~

25.) What makes you laugh?

T.O.P- Turn it upppp~

26.) What makes you cry?

Big Bang- A Fools Only tears *OH SNAPPP ON THE SPOTT~

27.) Will you ever get married?

Jay Park - Be with me tonight~

28.) What do you want at the moment?

B2ST- Lightless *yeseuuu

29.) Does anyone like you?

Big Bang- So Beautiful *sooo is that a yes?

30.) What hurts you right now?

Big Bang- Hands up

31.) What are you thinking right now?

G.NA- Banana *time for a snack~


Lol well that was interesting....


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WTH when I tried it Q:27- Will you ever get married? I got: I'm sorry - B2ST!!! T_T
ajjeetaem #2
waaaaaaa so interesting ~~~