IU-Eunhyuk incident explained


The whole IU-Eunhyuk incident explained

- IU was replying to fan’s tweets and posted a photo of herself and Eunhyuk.
- LOEN Ent released an official statement saying IU tweeted it by accident. Eunhyuk visited her home when she fell very sick and they took the photo on the sofa.
- Eunhyuk is NOT but actually wearing a shirt, as can be seen from the photo above with the skin colours adjusted to green. The photo of IU and the angle also show that it is indeed a sofa, not a bed. They are sitting, not lying down.
- All those rumours about burning buildings are also untrue (seriously it would have made big news by now if it really happened.)

So can we please now move on and stop polluting the IU tag with all these rumours and rubbish about a scandal?

1. Please reblog this post and tell your suju friends too
2. Post as many IU gifs/photosets/graphics as possible to make the IU tag a beautiful place again
3. Once you reach your daily max upload limit, screencap the proof and tweet it to @squishy_blob 
4. You stand a chance to win a Spring of a Twenty Year Old album and I will write a thank you letter to you personally to express my gratitude.




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foreversucks #1
ohh!! :DD

they look good together!! :DD