My Theory [Hyuk & IU], just to attempt to make this incessant fanwar/anger stop








(So yeah, just to be clear...this is an opinion.)


>.> okay, bare with me here, and this is a bit of a long explanation:
So, upon closer inspection of the alleged selca (as well as various talks with IU's fans because I like to get both opinions), IU is wearing specific pajamas that she got from a fan a while ago; the same pajamas, in fact, that she also caught on fire while cooking back in Septemper (she took a picture of the burnt pajamas at the time too, so that's how I know). So that means that the photo had to be taken earlier than September, which means that the entertainment company wasn't lying about it being taken in the summer and they were actually honest (SHOCKER). Anyway, I believe that they were dating at least over the summer, if not longer than that, and they probably just recently broke up; very recently. Perhaps even the very night/day the photo was posted, but I’d give or take a week at the most. And IU, being 19 years old (20 years old in Korea) is still considered very young, and we know that she doesn't have a lot of dating experience whatsoever since she's an idol as well as one of the younger ones. I'm guessing that if they did break up, she was more than likely very emotional about it (which explains why the hell she was even up at around 5 am to begin with) and when you're young and experiencing one of your first ever heartbreaks (no matter who broke up with who; both parties can be depressed, you know), you tend to not think straight at all whatsoever; what makes it worse is just how early in the morning it was, so she was probably all sorts of willy nilly and unable to think very logically about her actions.

She more than likely didn't even think and posted the picture of the two of them together, since A LOT of young girls do that after a break up and when they're hurting, just to reminisce in a sense (happens all the time on Facebook). She probably kept it up for a few minutes before reality set in and she had an epiphany of "oh god what did I just do?" and took it down promptly without an explanation because really...she didn't have a logical one. It was all just a simple mistake and all that created by an exhausted mind and possible reminiscing of the past. It was a really reckless move, but it's a common thing for 'normal' people her age to do, so she probably just reacted to heartbreak like any other girl would have. We can’t blame her for reacting normally to something like that; she might be an idol, but she’s also a human being and has emotions too, and thus expresses them (just without thinking about the consequences immediately).
This explains why she seemed less bubbly the last time she was on tv after the selca was released (both heartbroken AND having to be scolded by the companies involved; poor girl) and, this also explains why Eunhyuk apparently 'stiffened up and gave a forced smile' during the Strong Heart thing the other night (he's a sensitive guy, and even if he was the one that dumped her, he probably still feels bad, you know?) This also explains why the companies aren't going too deep into the matter, because they WERE dating but more than likely no longer are, and if they say that they were dating in the past, that would just cause more of a hassle and upset more fans and no one would listen to them. After all, all the fans tend to take words and twist them around into different outcomes and it would end up going from “they WERE dating” to “they’re still dating but the companies just aren’t telling us because they lie about EVERYTHING.”

Which, you know, yes, the companies do lie every now and then, but sometimes they are just telling the truth or just don’t want to go further into the subject. I mean, SM admitted to SHINee’s Jonghyun and Shin Se Kyung dating last year after pictures were released to the public, so I kind of get the feeling that if IU and Eunhyuk really were still dating right now, they would’ve admitted to it as well since it’s clear as day that they’re both pictured in a rather ‘friendly’ position.

Then again, LOEN entertainment didn’t exactly give SM room to comment with their excuse coming out first, but then again, they had to speak up first. The reason for that is simple: IU was the one who posted the picture, not Eunhyuk. Eunhyuk was just in the picture and thus did absolutely nothing to aid in this scandal breaking out. This scandal is more of LOEN Ent. and IU’s problem than anyone else’s since the selca was posted on IU’s twitter to begin with. So everyone, don’t say that LOEN should’ve waited for SM to say something first; they were doing their own damage control for their own artist, and they knew that they had to make a statement as soon as possible. SM more than likely didn’t want to say anything to begin with since it technically was more of LOEN’s issue to handle, but I’m sure seeing just how upset ELF were about the selca, they chose to at least agree with LOEN’s statement and hope that was enough.

Either way, I’m sick of all the hate, not just towards Eunhyuk, but also towards IU. I’m not a fan of her, I never really have been (I have this unexplanable vendetta against most female singers in general), but at the same time it’s just her music that I’m not a fan of. I don’t know her as a person, so I can’t say if I dislike her or not; sure, I’ve never liked the ‘goody tow-shoes’ image, but I don’t hate her. I’m just saying that you’re free to not like her all you want, but spreading incredibly hurtful words about her around or sending death threats isn’t exactly a good way to deal with the situation. The same goes towards those saying rude things about Eunhyuk; I don’t care if you think he’s ugly, and I personally don’t even care if you don’t like his music or anything. You also don’t know him as a person, and it’s not right to pick on him just because he was the one pictured in the selca. He hasn’t said a word about the scandal, he hasn’t done absolutely anything wrong, and therefore there’s no reason to hate him either. So in short, at least try to keep your spiteful comments to a minimum, stop getting at each other’s throats and just let the scandal die down like all of the others in the past.

So in the end, what do I truly believe? I believe that they dated earlier this year (if not since before that), and only recently have parted ways for reasons that should just remain between them; we have no reason to in to their personal lives, whether we’re their fans or not, and we should respect their privacy.

Where do I stand? I’m still not a fan of IU, but not because of this scandal. I recognize that she made an error in judgement, I agree that she should have thought about her actions before posting the selca (since really…there isn’t a way to ‘accidentally’ post a photo to Twitter like that), but I don’t hate her for it. I just hope that she learns from this mistake and is careful in the future; I’d really hate to see her career suffer all from a reckless decision that made on her part, and I’m sure all of her fans would agree to that.

What do I have to say to IU? That I hope she’s careful after this blows over, that I wish her all the best and I really hope that she pulls out of this. She seems to have a lot of loyal fans around her, and I just hope that they don’t abandon her. Whether she’s at fault or not, I just don’t want to hear that she has to go on a prolonged hiatus all because of this. She does her job well, and I hope she comes out of this unscathed while also learning from this scandalous mistake. I also want her to at least try to ignore all of the hate; no matter how much you dislike someone, you shouldn’t go around threatening them with death (in a serious manner, at least), and I hope that she’s strong enough to ignore the harsh comments towards her. I don’t agree with what she did, but that’s all the more reason for me to hope that she learns from all of this.

And what do I have to say to Eunhyuk? To keep his head up and strong, to not let any of the haters get to him because for every one person that hates him, I’m sure there’s a 100 more people in the world to make up for it. He’s a sweet guy and deserves nothing but happiness, and just because he was dragged into this mess doesn’t mean that he is at fault. Eunhyuk shouldn’t have had to apologize to his fans at the Star King recording, and he in no way deserves getting all the criticisms that he is. I wish there was way to let him know how many people truly care for him, how many are worried about him, and how many fans support him now and always will. I’ve always had a soft spot for Eunhyuk since the beginning, and it hurts me to see people dragging his name through the mud all because of this silly scandal. I just want him to keep his head held high and know that no matter what, we love him unconditionally, no matter what the truth might be.

I don’t care if you believe anything I have to say; really I’m not expecting everyone to believe me. You can choose to believe that they never dated and are just friends like the companies have said, or you can believe that they’re still dating, or believe some different variation of what I think; it’s entirely up to you. This is all just my opinion, and I feel like I should put in my two cents to try and stop the fighting. I get the feeling that people forget that idols are only humans too; they fall in love, they cry, they break hearts, they make mistakes, just like the rest of us. We need to keep that in mind before saying something without thinking, and we need to think before posting (a lesson we can all learn from this whole mess to begin with).

So guys, let’s try to, you know…settle down just a bit. Don’t over analyze things, because then you’ll start to see things that you want to see, and take more out of something that originally meant nothing. Your eyes only let you see what you want to see, after all, so it’s really up to you.

I’ll always be supporting Eunhyuk through thick and thin, and I just want to see him smile for real again. So let’s just try to forget everything, let this rumor/scandal die, and then maybe the smiling boy us ELF support will make a quicker comeback.


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neveir #1
Whether they were dating or not, it doesn't matter - they shouldn't have to feel like they did anything wrong. People who are not idols would never be put in this kind of situation just because word got out that they "might" be dating. So why should idols be treated differently?
Very true. Very true. I'm not a huge fan of female idols either (though I have no idea why), but IU does not deserve to be cursed at and threatened, and neither does Eunhyuk. This is their personal life, afterall.
Awesome. I love this post.
I hope everyone will read this.
miss-siwon #4
This is so accurate. I agree with everything you said there~!
point taken :)
Not enough research. ;)
TRUE DAT. *clicks fingers*
i read this so late.. too late and it shocked me. I mean, hyuk and IU? i heard once she said that she likes a guy who can sing a high note.. so i thought it might be changmin...

it's so surprising. i'm not her fan but i think she's a nice girl and i know how many guys out there likes her. Hyuk deffinitely special and i also know that he's a perfectionist..

Either they're still together or not.. I have nothing against that.. But then.. It keeps running in my head.. O my.. I think i only have this sense of belonging to hae and teuk.. but then.. I have one for hyuk too...

My God.. So eunhae is not... real?? LOL
Amen, seriously :)
Wow, I don't think I could ever analyze something so closely like you did with this... But a really valid and logical point. Your idea about it is pretty much the only one I've heard so far that actually sounds like it was plausible... I applaud you because you didn't delve into it and vehemently toss comments at IU and Hyukkie's whole scandal with "OMG THEY HAD !!!" and "IU'S A !!" and other pointless comments (which I'm not saying you would've, that was just the normal reaction given by most everyone who found out about it and didn't think through what they said before saying it).
eunhaefan11 #10
Wait wat about eunhae? Do u think they ever were a couple or?
Dude I have the exact same opinion as you on the matter
Even our thoughts on iu before the scandal
Kinda freaky o.O
We must be right >.> I mean nah... >.>
All the hate towards both iu and hyukjae is bloody ridiculous, thanks for writing this
BlossomingRose #12
I agree! A true ELF would support any of the member through thick and thin, no matter what happen, as long as their decisions will ensure their happiness. And that goes for IU's fans aswell. Why go and threaten or bash someone incessantly and unjustly when their lives are not of our concern, when it have already occured no matter what we said or believed, when we don't even know the hidden reality behind this 1 exagerated rumor? It pissed me off that some people could be shallow enough to assume right away the "truth" that might be so far out from the real one that it hurts, to be idiotic enough to believe everything netizens exagerated and even go the extreme just over something that might not worthy of being named a scandal. I just wished that everyone could be as logical and level-headed as you *sigh*

Right know I'm more worried than anything else at how Teuk will react to the scandal. He has been gone for literally a week or 2 but a scandal have bombed SJ already. I just hope that he won't be disapointed. I also wished that Hyuk would be able to recover from the impact of this scandal. It was pretty obvious that he was completely dejected and discouraged by something that is definitely not his fault. But I know, deep in my heart, that together, they (SJ) can, and will, recupperate from this mistake and move forward, just like they always do.