Hectic Day Yesterday

It was supposedly my day off but we are going to spend it practicing for the Xmas presentation at my house.  I was happy that we finished early at around 4 p.m., but then my mom called telling me to go to the hospital because my dad is being brought to the hospital by an ambulance.  I could hear from her voice that she was panicking, so naturally, I panicked slightly as well.  A friend rode with me in a taxi going to the hospital.


It's funny because the moment I saw my dad, he didn't look so good but he told me "You're classmate, Martin, is here."  It turns out that my elementary/highschool/university friend was currently assigned in the ER as a nurse.  I'm amazed by my dad's memory o_o;  though he said he doesn't remember seeing her in highschool but he was pretty sure we were elementary classmates XD!!!  Martin is the family name of my friend.


The nurses had a hard time getting his blood pressure.  In fact, the nurse sounded relief when my dad's blood pressure was finally 90/60 which was considered normal.  My dad was given oxygen because he had a hard time breathing and he looked really pale.  His legs and feet were swollen up again @_@   It's the aircondition in the meeting room's fault -_-  but it's dad's fault too for not wearing a jacket.  The cold made his heart tightened and made him feel numb and then he couldn't breath properly.


Luckily, he was in a meeting with nurses/PT (I think they're clinical instructors) who really insisted that he would be taken to the hospital right away.  They also tried to get his blood pressure but they couldn't hear the systolic of his blood pressure.  My dad said that they were in much more panic than he was and that his only complaint was really just hard breathing.  He was happy to be given oxygen.  Oh, and he felt really cold.  His skin was like ice when I touched him.


Today, he seems pretty back to normal and was enjoying watching the TV as he has his own solo TV in the coronary care unit.  He was placed there for close monitoring.  When we went there yesterday, it turns out there's someone else I know who is assigned in the coronary care unit.  The girl is from section B back in my university while I am in section A, but there were some major subjects when section A and B are fused together in one classroom.  I waved at her first and she was kind of shock.  Then after a while, she waved back at me.


When I was finally in the coronary care unit, she came to me and said...

JK  (yes, hae_ki, you know her!!!) :  I'm really sorry for this but I forgot your name.

Jishu:  It's okay.  We're not close to begin with.

JK:  Boang man ka oie.  (You're crazy!) *slaps my shoulder lightly*

Jishu:  Btaw oie.  Si Jessica.  (Really.. it's jessica)   [I was actually tempted to say Jishu but I'm not sure if she'll remember that right away XD]

JK:  So that's your dad? What happened?

We talked for a bit, not too long though.  It would have been nice to catch up a bit even though we're not close to begin with XD But seeing someone just familir always make me happy and friendly for some reason XD


As for my friend Martin back in the emergency room, we could only wave at each other and she only greeted me with "Jess!" and then she was really busy.  Heck, the ER was full of patient and I couldn't even sit on a chair which made my feet hurt really bad considering I was practicing dancing all day, and  I had a walk from my house to a certain part of the road where I can get taxi and then when I end up in the hospital, I stood most of the time in the ER. @_@


My feet really hurt at night.  I couldn't even sleep right away.  I still made the effort to post up my HimUp fic "Against Me."  Today, I also posted a chapter for my EXO fic "Red Riding Hood Society"  I'm currently writing for the sequel/next/last chapter for my HimUp fic Against Me so hopefully, I can post that up later this fic.


I'm back to 6am to 2pm shift.  I like the fact that I can get out of the office early but I hate the fact that I have to wake up early.  I feel like a zombie in the morning @_@ 


I'm really loving Videotube.  For those who have iphones, you totally should ahve Videotube.  Once it downloads once, you can play the video offline.  It downloads really fast too.  Much faster than the youtube app!!!  I'm so happy~ I'm downloading hq videos and live performances and watching variety shows on my iphone now <3  Heck, I even downloaded a 40-minute "Pair of Love" taiwanese movie with eng subs~ It's AND YURI~! WOOT WOOT~!  I still haven't gotten around to watching it because of my hectic life @_@


And now... lemme go back to writing... or maybe reading fics...XD


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/back hugs you/
Hope you feel better soon!
Well, you'd better feel better since I'm back! XD Lol jkjk
oh! i really wish your dad recovers soon! don't pressure yourself please, we can be patient for glorious fics. chingu-ah fighting!
I hope you feel better soon unnie! I hope your father takes good care of his health!
Sorry to hear you had such a hectic day, I don't think I could last doing what you do. And now I'm really curious about this "Pair of Love" movie, I was watching a hospital drama but seeing the word I think I'm gonna look that up now~

Your loyal dongsaeng will support you all the way :P
hae_ki #6
and when my eyes went to -JK- O_O
then i read the 'yes hae_ki part' and i was like... yuh.
wow... so she's there too.
and while reading about your dad's predicament... pwede thinking the what if's or differential diagnoses. kai hematology mn amo module plus cardio pud d.i ang first ug mao ni nga block ako gi.busyhan ron...

normal ra ang CBC sa imo papa. in case naa silay g.ingon ana.