Day 6: Your character falls asleep and wakes up in a totally different place with only a kitchen utensil (of any kind) in their hand. What happened?

Another day! XD lol. sorry if i confuse some of you on the Day 5 one! It was confusing! XD lol. But anyways heres day 6 starring, drum roll please, Taemin and Minji (aka jaycoisl)! ^_^


            Minji stirred in her sleep as she rubbed her eyes with her left hand and then stretch on the bed. She yawn and try to get her brain to work in the early morning. She realize she was in her room. Then she suddenly jumped up. "Oh no. Howw did i manage to fall asleep. With the icing spoon in hand." She thought back hard and it all came back. 


12 Noon.

           She smile happily as she skipped home from the store. Ingredients in hand as she was in the world of love. She ran up the apartment's stairs into the main lobby. She smile and bow to the doorman and head to the elevator. 'It's going to be soo good." Ding. She got in and push thei floor number.

            With Taemin away in Japan for the past week and coming home tomorrow on his birthday is just the perfect timing. She open their room door and the fresh flowering smell still lingers even though Taemin already brought her the flowers before he left. She slipped into the kitchen and stated cooking a varities of food and to bake a cake. She smile.

7 o'clock evening

             She was chopping the vegetable and getting them ready for tomorrow morning. She had everything put away already. Taemin is suppose to arrive later at midnight and come straight home.  Her ipod was playing all the SHINee songs all over and over again since she got home and she always end up distracted. She starting sing along with Hello on Taemin's part abd imagine him singing right there in front of her. 

10:45 , late into the night

              She had put everything she need on the kitchen counter and all the kitchen utensil too. She slowing measure the powder and pour it into the big mixing bowl. She suddenly yawn. "So tired." She pouted. She haven't have a full sleep ever since Taemin and SHINee oppas went to Japan. She was busy helping out her parents with the Company and helping the kids at the Orphanges. "Come on Minji. You can do this for Taemin." She smile and continue. After measuring all the needed items she starts to beat them with the egg beater. She smile and watch the powders turn into the soon-to-be-cake-bread.

              She yawm once more. "Come On Minji. Minnie is going to be home any sec now." She reminded herself. She pour the mixing into the cake tray and place them in the already heated oven. She set the timer and went to sit at the kitchen table.

              She had drifted into Dreamland. Diiinnnngggg! The timer went off. "Stupid timer." She mumbles. "Oh the cake." She ran to the oven and looked at the golden cake bread. "Perfect." She smile. She took them out and watch them cool down on the kitchen table.  She grabbed the icing and started to apply them. 

             She can imagine Taemin coming home surprise and happy seeing her doing this for his birthday. Or the way Taemin always do, place icing on her cheek and runs off to hide. Minji can see Taemin's happy face in every corner of her head.

~End of flashback~

              "The cake!" She screamed as she ran into the Kitchen table and looked at it. Apparently she had finished the icing already and decoration of how she wanted it. She tilte her head to the side. and thought.

              Suddenly a hanbd wrapped around her waist. "Thank you Minji for the cake." Taemin whisper to her ear. She blushed, hard.

             "You weren't supose to see it yet." She turn toward him and saw his face cover with icing. Minji giggle and wipped it off. "Silly. So what happen here?"

             Taemin laugh. "Nothing. Now Cook me something good for the birthday boy." He exclaimed happily. She nodded and made him regular breakfast.  He smile as she put the tray of food in front of him. "Happy birthday,Tae." She kissed his cheek and then took a seat infront of him.

~Latre that day~

            "Wah~ I'm worn out Tae." She pouted.

            H raised ann eyebrow, "You're echasting yourself too much Minji. Im pretty sure Jae Oppa will kill you if he found out you're helping at the company." She starred wide eyes. "So tired that you feel asleep half way through your cake." Taemin smile at the thought of him walking into the lighted room with her fast asleep with icing sppon held tightly.

            "Aww but i just wanted to---" Taemin kissed her. "i know you wanted to surprise me. But i dont want you to stress yourself out. Especially when you're expecting." He smile and rubbed her stomach bump.

            She nodded. "Fine oppa. Happy 25th Birthday Tae." Minji kissed him. "Now come on. I have a dish waiting at home ready to be cooked for you only." She smile. "And baby Tae." She smile. They walked home hand in hand as the sun was disappearing behind the tall buildings of Seoul.


AN: hahahah how did yall lke this chapter??

yes this is taken place in the far future! XD lol.

tell me how i did!



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lol. yea i know right
VampireKnights #2
ummmmmmm that was... GREAT totally liked it ..future ..seems not that far !
AWWW hehe birthday~ Sweet! <3