Story of my life, man...

While I was packing my bag for my flight to America, I decided to pack a my " notebook" that I write all of my ideas and "scenes" in that come to mind. I thought that it could be one of the things I would do when I got tired of reading. Well... nothing embarrassing happened on the flight.

It all happened when I got to my mother's house.

After waking up from my nap, I walked into the bathroom to brush my hair and teeth and saw that my notebook had been opened to one of my "Release Me" ideas. 

I felt like dying.

And at dinner, my stepfather couldn't stop staring at me. I knew he'd read it. So when he sat me down and tried to talk to me, I was already embarrassed.

I thought he would call me a freak or laugh at me, but he looked at me with tears in his eyes and said: "Please tell me that wasn't a journal, Rem. Please..."

I burst out laughing and told him that it was my journal so that they wouldn't find out about my Kpop ing. And since my parents already know  have been having for a while now, I thought they wouldn't freak out... but they still did.

And now... I'm dying inside. Story of my life, guys. Hilarious, right?


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Wow. That's awkward. Dx I would have wished that the floor would swallow me up whole if that happened to me, but you took the situation well. lol I always wonder why you write the scenes so naturally and real, and now, I know the source of your inspiration: the " notebook". In a way, it's kind of funny--the situation, I mean.
I'm sorry that happened to you, but honestly, I laughed! >.<