Application for X-Generation K Senior High Boarding School(male)

Nam Kwan Bae



Student Name: Nam Kwan Bae

Student Gender: Male

Student Age:18(American)

Student Birthday: 1-8-94

'Special Power': Genius--Takes the powers or abilities of villains or heros in books and movies and makes them into a reality for himself. Within reason. Like he is crazy good at parkour but fighting with super strength but can not freeze people. Can learn from seeing or reading about a power that a physical human can have. Is able to confuse/overpower eminies by using thier own abilities.

What grade will this student be enrolled in?: Senior (12th)

Student Ethnicity: Korean

Student Birthplace: Seoul, Korea

Languages spoken by student: Korean (fluent), English (fluent), Japanese(fluent) 

Student Personality: When you see him you think he is scary and dark but as you get to know him you learn that he is actually funny and cute, loves to make his friends laugh, doesn't try to make new friends (happy with his two best friends), can be mean but tries not to be, caring, looks mean, stand-offish to new people, can be aggresive towrds some people

Student Likes: wearing black, his friends, familar things, rollercoasters, to have his friends happy

Student Dislikes: When people say things about him or his friends behind his back, 

Student Hobbies: snowboarding

Student Habits: cleaning his room, fixing his hair, acting too cool for new people

Will the student engage in any sports or clubs?:  yes

If so, which?: Art and Photography club 

Preference in room? {Dorm for two or four}: two with his friend

Other things that awshom author needs to know: does not like new people who try to be his friend, over peppy people, over aegyo girls

Ulzzang: Won Jong Jin

Pictures? {hyperlink them please}:

Back-Up Ulzzang: Park Jea Hyun

Pictures? {hyperlink them please}:

Family {PictureName;Age;Relation;Job;How good is their relationship together?}:

Ignored his parents since he started the school as a Sophmore. He was also an only child. So no family.

Best Friend {Same format as family}:

1.Kwon Kyung Mi (other application for the information) link

super close with each other. Kwan Bae treats her as a little sister. Would give his life for her, has a crush on her but never conffesed. 

2.  Park Chin Hwa


Age: 18

Relation: Best friends since Sophmore year

Job: Part time waiter at a cafe

how good is there relationship?: Like blood brothers. Always take care of each other

Friends {Same format as family}: doesn't have any other friends other than those two.

Trivia: Is in love with Kyung Mi but does not confess, Is a litterature genius (loves books), would do anything for his friends since they are basically his only family. 

ual Orientation: straight

Ideal Type: Kyung Mi, peppy but not annyoingly, kind and caring, funny

Do they engage in pre-marital ?: no

Do they cuss?: only when going to beat up someone, or protecting someone. Otherwise no.

Code Name: Black Night (Because he always wears black)


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