Strawberry Lumps


I'mma start a boygroup.

It'll be called "Strawberry Lumps", and involve me and my friends, and we'll all shove zuccinis down our pants. :D

The concept is random and our chant is, "Strawberry Lumps: Under these clothes, we're women."


~~Members, Personas, and Position~~

Leader/Main Rapper/Sub Vocal:

Jakoby - The Bad Boy ((Stereotypical))

Main Vocal:

Stephano - AB Shikshin

Lead Vocal/Main Dancer:

Giovanni - The Loveable Bingu

Triple Threat:

Ivan - The Baby-Faced Tiger

Sub Dancer/Sub Rapper/Beatboxer:

Alejandro - The Nerd



We're gonna be some y men. =u=


((This is satirical, btw, but it might actually inspire a girlgroup from me.))


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LOL So cute and adorkable. Well, you have your first fan here~