Chrome: Rise to the Top (New Group from TEMPO Entertainment) Apply

Personal Information

AFF Username: KeysLove

Profile Link: here

Character Information:

Name: Li YunWook
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 18th October
Height: 1,75m
Weight: 50kg
Blood Type: AB-
Nationality: Korean
Ethnicity: Korean

Personality: First thing you need to know about him: Wook loves . He's always very y, he walks "shaking his hips", and everyone can't help but look at him (even straight boys). Absolutely everything he does seems to be provocative, no matter what it is. He's naturally sensual. He, himself, says that "he's a sinner who deserves to go to hell", but he doesn't really care about that.

He is very, very selfish, when it comes to his friends. He wants all of his friend's attention to himself, and he's extremely jealous of them. He can't stand it when his friends don't give him attention, or when he has to share the attention with someone else. He loves touching other people (like hugging and kissing, the more innocent kind of touching). His favorite way to pass the day, is to just sit under a blanket, cuddling and watching tv with Eli.

He is a bit like a kid, in the sense that he sometimes forgets how to tie his shoes, and he still loves Disney movies and stuffed toys. He acts very cutely, and he's always smiling. He's very kind, and always tries to help other people. He's kind with everyone, even with the people who treat him bad. He can't hate anyone, even if he tries to. He gets scared very easily, and he's hurt very easily. If something hurts him enough, he spends the hole day locket in his room, without eating and anything. He's the type who makes comments that have nothing to do with what the other people are talking about, in the middle of a conversation. For example, in the middle of a talk about politics, he turns and says "did you know the clownfish can survive out of the water?". Most of the time, what he says is wrong (like in the example). When he's extremely sad, he remembers the insults his parents told him, and he feels like trash.



- Affection

- Bubble tea

- Rain

- Sweets

- Parks

- Coffee shops

- Heights


- Scary things

- Being alone

- Things that are way too salty or sour

- Coffee

- Not understanding something

- Being ignored

Background: He lived in Seoul with his parents. Both of his parents where christians, and Wook acted as if he was too, to make them happy, but actually he was atheist. They were a happy family, and his parents were always kind and caring towards him. One day, when he was twelve, he accidentaly kissed a classmate, and realised he liked kissing boys more than girls. He decided not to tell his parents and kept it a secret. When he was 15, he lost his ity, and realised he loved having . He started to have constantly (obviosly only with boys). One day, his parents caugh him in bed with another guy, and started shouting insults at him and throwing things. They kicked him out of home, and told him they didn't want to see him ever again. Having nowhere else to go, he was walking around the streets, when suddenly a guy from TEMPO Entertainment scouted him for his pretty face. Turns out he could sing and dance very well, it was natural to him.

One day, he met Eli. Wook had always been very lonely and sad since his parents kicked him out, specially since he never had any friends (only one night stands). They talked and talked, went to Wook's apartment (in TEMPO's dormitory), and ended up having . Wook tought it was only another one night stand, and he was even a bit sad thinking like that, since he really had took a liking to the older boy. For Wook's surprise, when he woke up the next day Eli was still there, his hair. When Wook started to voice out his feelings, he got so emotional that he ended up telling Eli everything about his past. Eli was shocked, and told Wook that from that day on, he'd always be there, no matter what. After that, the two became best friends. To this day, they still have constantly, but not because they're in love with each other. It's just between friends, you could say. When they have , Eli is always very caring and gentle, always making sure Wook is pleased and that he won't get hurt. He also always wakes Wook up lovingly, eighter with breakfast on bed, hugs, kisses or cuddling. Also, he always takes a shower with Wook, because he knows the younger boy loves all of those ways of showing love.


- He cuts himself. He doesn't do it very often, only when he's extremely sad and can't find anything that makes him feel better.

- When he wakes up, he always feels around on the bed to make sure Eli is still there.

- When he's jealous, he just stands there staring with a pout until the person notices.

- When he's hungry, he glomps whoever can provide food and starts begging with a little pout.


- Skateboarding (Eli teached him, and the two always go skateboarding together. Eli's always very cautious, because he's afraid Wook will fall and hurt himself)

- Cooking (he's horrible at it, but still tries to learn and do his best)

Trivia: [Anything interesting about your character 5+]

- Wook can't sleep alone, so he always sleeps with Eli (they don't always need to have , sometimes they just sleep together). Before he met Eli, he wasn't able to sleep at all, and only could sleep with the help of medicine or when he fainted from exaustion.

- Wook's favorite song is "Notes 'n' Words", by One Ok Rock.

- His favorite color is blue.

- His skin is very sensible. Like, it's extremely easy for him to cut himself accidentaly, and if he falls, it is very likely that he'll scratch his knee or something. Because of that, Eli's very protective, he always tries to hold him when Wook's about to fall, and doesn't let him do anything he could possibly get hurt doing.

- He's very ticklish.



Ulzzang Name: Lee Do Hyeong
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 (if you want, there's a lot more here and here)

Back Up Ulzzang Name: Lee Nam Soo
1 | 2 



Family Members: Li MinHee | 45 | Mom | They were close, but after she found out her son was gay she started hating him. | She used to be caring and kind, but later she became cold and uncaring.

Li Youngchul | 50 | Dad | They were close, but after hse found out hi son was gay he started hating him. | He used to be caring and kind, but later he became cold and uncaring.

Friends: Kim Kyoung Jae (Eli) | U-KISS | 21 | Friends with benefits | Very close | He's very funny and he's always making jokes. He always tries to make Wook laugh, and he's very protective over the older boy. He gets very mad when someone insults or threatens Wook, and he almost beats the crap out of the person. He only doesn't do that because Wook always stops him, saying it's okay.

Love Interest: Band member, or if that's not available, Eli from U-KISS.

Back Up Love Interest: If none of the other two are available, Kiseop from U-KISS.


Idol Stuff:

Stage Name: Light
Position: Lead Dancer/Sub Vocals
Back Up Position: Lead Rapper
Talents: I think I should mention this: he's a great stripper and pole dancer. He can also play the guitar, he's not extremely good, but he's not bad eighter.


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