About The IU/Eunhyuk Scandal

Recently, this scandal about IU and Eunhyuk is getting really big and I would like to say my opinions on this subject. First, I'd like to say that a lot of Korean netizens and fans are overreacting (in my opinion). I mean it's just a picture of them together. So what? Last time I've checked you're able to take pictures with the opposite gender without being bashed to death. Yes, I know, Eunhyuk was shirtless in the picture, but we've seen many pictures of shirtless Eunhyuk so why is this one much different?

With that said, Loen Entertainment's explaination is quite crappy.


Hello. This is Loen Entertainment.

This is an official statement regarding the picture that was revealed early this morning through IU’s Twitter.

First, we bow our heads and sincerely apologize for causing concern to all the representatives and all the fans of IU and Super Junior.

The revealed photo was from this summer when IU was very sick and Eunhyuk had come to visit her at her home, and was taken then when they sat on the sofa together; it was revealed to the outside due to IU’s mistake through her related photo uploading service while IU was making a mention on Twitter.

IU is sincerely sorry for bringing harm to her sunbae Eunhyuk due to her error.

Lastly, IU and Eunhyuk are close sunbae-hoobae who have been close since IU’s debut, Eunhyuk is close to the point that he has even dined with IU’s mother. We ask that you do not exaggerate or make assumptions about IU and Eunhyuk’s relationship due to this incident.

We will return to greet you as a more matured agency after having learned from this incident. We apologize once again.

We are sorry.

Loen Entertainment




Sure, it may be true and I believe most parts of it, but the way that they explained it was just plain crappy (for some reason). Anyway, if they are dating or even if they aren't, we should always support the both of them just like we've always had. The two of them will have to find a boyfriend or girlfriend sooner or later so even if this didn't happen, it'll probably happen sometimes down the road. It's so hard to be an idol with your private life under a microscope 24/7.

What are your guys' opinions on this scandal? Drop a comment below!



#StayStrongLeeDonghae XD We will never stop shipping EunHae! EVER! Fish and Monkey FOREVER!

I hope their life would return to normal after this scandal! 



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Insoogirl69 #1
Im feel sorry for all the celeb in korea bcoz they cant have a private life its al monitor wat the heck hehehe yes iu and eunhyuk if theyre in relationship it ok bcoz i cant expect it hehehe so many pedos thinking that theyre making love on the pic