OMG!!! this can't be happening!! :'(

Do you all know why this site exists? I bet some of you don't so I will tell you why we can be on this site. The owner of this site has developed Asianfanfics for his girlfriend. Said girlfriend died one year later because of pneumonia. But he said he would keep this site running and he would improve it as good as possible. For her. To keep her memory alive. To let this part, the site, last if she can't.

Then errors developed from time to time. And we started complaining. "What about our stories?" "Why has everything just disappeared?" "When will we get our things back?" "Can't you do this faster?!"
He's trying his best. He's fighting for us. For this site. For his girlfriend in some ways. We shouldn't be complaining. It won't lead anywhere. We should be glad this site exists instead of saying what we would like to have changed!!!
Because do you know the latest problems? Said developer of aff was sued because of some kids who have come to a rated story and told their parents and now their mother sued him. Maybe he won't be able to keep this site running.
Heres my personal message: do u want AFF to go down and disappear? i know i'm not the only one that has been affected by AFF so greatly. We all have met wonderful friends and people we never knew existed, we discovered different worlds of kpop, we made dreams come true through our writing, we all became family. I don't want AFF to become like this, we have to fight. Fight for what's important, fight for the owner of this site, fight for everything that exists up here, and fight for each other.
So please, send this blog to all your friends until everyone around the world know about this! Help me fight. Help HIM fight! Because without us it might be he won't win.
To those that don't know who the owner of AFF is yet: Nichiren
This is his interview: >INTERVIEW WITH JASON
plz repost this blog and share with all your friends so we all know about this ^_^



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pamela0123 #1
wooow no way right cause really this sight is so amazing!!! gosh i'll repost it now ^^
turtlepanda22 #2
thanx for repostin priti^^ lol i freaked out too when i saw the blog post TTwTT so i HAD to repost