What's It Mean To You?

Ok, I want to know what being a fan means to you. This is not an intense fan making a statement but rather how I feel about this being a fan thing. I enjoy the bands and I would love to know how you feel. I consider myself an E.L.F. (As Super Junior will forever be my biased, loyalty to my first band and all. Though I highly respect Shinwah for what they have done. … well really in that aspect I respect everyone.) Being a fan has been fun and I have met wonderful people through this world of kpop.  I am not an intense fan by any means. I can’t tell you their birthdays, or where they are from. I can’t necessarily tell you what they like or their favorites either. If I want to know something for reference or to understand what someone has referenced I look it up. And then, perhaps I still don’t really know. But I don’t think that this is would make much of a difference. I respect them, as a group and as individuals. I understand when they are on stage, that they are there to perform and to give a show. I know that their fans mean the world to them and that they work hard for them. But I also realize that they sacrifice a lot to make their fans happy. I think that all idols do. Yet they never complain.

What does being a fan mean to me… Well, when I thought of this question a while back it was honestly when I was reading through some articles because I was curious about what was happening as I hadn’t bothered with it in a while. There were scandals here and scandals there. People talking of idols dating and a backlash from that… You know, I almost fear a back lash from what I say. I don’t want anyone to take it wrong, but at the same time, I really want to know how everyone feels. I am not looking for a fan war and I honest respectfully ask that everyone remain civil to one another in the comments. If I receive any. … I feel that each fan group is entitled to their opinion of their own group/s and that that group/s is equally important to them as mine and yours is to each of us. Liking a group is neither right nor wrong, but disputing on who is the better is. Simply because there is no better group, I believe, it is just a matter of who is more special to you. So I suppose without further ado I will answer my own question.

As I have mentioned I am an E.L.F… Well an unofficial one I suppose. If I were to describe this fandom, I am sure it is how anyone would describe their own. We are like friends, and some of us like family. When I heard the name I instantly loved it and adored it. Because to me, I think that it embodies just what a fan should be. An Everlasting Friend. One that is so close that it could be considered family. One that supports encourages no matter what. No matter how you grow and mature, you always hold a piece of a friend with you with in your heart. To be a friend means that you are happy for your friend when they make an achievement, and encourage them when they fail. It means that you stand by them, even if they have made an embarrassing mistake. A fan is like a friend that stands from the sidelines and supports their idols as they journey through a world as treacherous as a stormy ocean.

And, if a fan is like a friend, then why shouldn’t they treat their idol as they would their other friends. If a friend were to find someone they loved wouldn’t you congratulate them? If they told you that there was somebody they loved, wouldn’t you support them? I don’ understand why people become so enraged when an idol begins to date someone. I am always shocked by the distaste and hatred that some people choose to display rather than the support. The cruelty in which they pick apart the other’s partner, as if they are unworthy. I mean, isn’t it cruel to say that someone doesn’t belong with somebody even though the two are completely enamored with one another. They are young, if you experience love, shouldn’t they be allowed to as well? People aren’t meant to live in solitude, nor be alone. I mean, I am happy for the idols when I discover that they have someone in their life that they are happy about it. I mean I am way happier for my actual friends about me, but at the same time I feel happy for them as well. I enjoy seeing people enjoy their lives, and isn’t that what they’re doing? It’s not like they are diminishing the attention in which they give to their fans by any means. I just I don’t get it.

It also baffles me how people can follow them around for days, and days. Or how people can sit there and seriously consider the possibility of them and their idol a couple. (I mean, a girl/guy can definitely dream, but at the same time, you have to realize the difference between fiction and reality.) Delusions are not the same as dreams either, in my opinion anyway. (I do not mean any of this for just the kpop world either. I know that this happens everywhere.) … But you know, I believe that when they are on that stage then they are there to perform and they are there to be before the fans. But, I am also a strong believer that once they aren’t behind that lens, or on that stage, their personal lives are their own. Sure, everyone enjoys a few snippets here and there about other’s lives and it makes for an interesting story. I am not saying by any means that I am a perfect fan, or person. I am also not saying that I am not curious. But, what I am saying is that I don’t see the need to pry either.  (I don’t mean this ill-mannered by any means, but I truthfully don’t understand.)

I suppose what I am getting at in this big long …rant, I guess that is what it is accompanied with my question, is that I think that being a fan means being a friends. You support them and encourage them in every aspect of their lives. Whether they find someone to love, or they decide to follow a different path. The idols always try to satisfy their fans and make them happy without being selfish, shouldn’t the fans hold the same sentiments? I acknowledge I am not as knowledgeable as many, and that I do not know everything there is to know about the idols that I call my favorites. But, what I do know is that they will forever be my biased and that I will always support them. No matter what.

So, out of curiosity, what is your view on being a fan? Do you think differently or disagree? O.o  Sorry, this thought has bugged me for a while. I do not know of any current scandals, but meh~ I am always late. I am not necessarily interested in them, as I think that they will clear themselves up in time. What makes me curious is what you think and how you feel? Please no meanness or competition amongst anyone, or animosity to me. I want everyone to be respected and to feel free to give their opinions. ^_^ his really is something I am quite curious about. Sorry if my words have offended anyone.


.... P.S. ... one of my friends sent me the funiest thing. At least I find it hilarious. I don't know where she got it or from whom, and I am not trying to steal it from anyone. I justfound it hilarious!! ^_^ :

"ELF = Ever Lasting Friends. ELF's were friendzoned from the beginning." ...*falls over laughing* I find itpretty great. ^_^


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