The Afterlife | App | Ria Carter


    To survive you must know how to live
The Beginning 
Aff Name: HinataSnow
What Can I Call You?: Anna
The Basics
Birth Name: Park Ria / Ria BJ. Carter (Full Name: Ria Benjamin Jamie. Carter)
*Nicknames: Ria (Everyone calls her that), BJ (It is her code name and people uses that during missions)
Age: 20
Birth Date: 1st December
Occupation: Police Officer in Training
Ethnicity: Pure Korean 
The Road To Find Yourself
She is a serious woman. The intensive training in military school has kicked the previous fun loving girl out of her. She was forced to adapt at a young age to be an independant and expressionless woman. That is one of the traits which most people find hard to befriend to. She had trouble befriending people as she is anti-social. Most people steer clear of her because of that negative trait, making her feel outcasted. All her life, she was friendless and alone. She tries to make friends but ends up making people dislike her. She didn't know why. People just feel intimidated and tense around her.
She is extremely patient and calm, keeping her smile tight-lipped at most situations. She will not tolerate disobedience and tomfullery during missions. She is a cold leader, the ones where everyone need but hate. She has trusting issues and finds it hard to trust people during missions. A hardworker, she believes nothing can be achieved without resilience and discipline. She's a firm and loyal woman, the kind you can trust during missions. Because of her calm demeanor, she is in control during dire situations. She will shout out words of encouragement that will raise your morale to continue surviving. If you can get past her hard shell, you will find out that all she ever was, is a misjudged character.
-Being in charge of a group
-Every Sunrise
-The Movie 'The Sound of Music'
-White Irises (Flower)
-People not listening to orders
-Her father
-The virus
-Her menstrual cycle 
-The smell of rotting corpse
Pet Peeves:
-Stubborn people
-Her menstrual cycle
-Her trouble of sleeping
-Practising sniping
-Running on certain occasions
-Creating battle strategies
-She bird whistles to catch your attention
-Her catchphrase when she hit a headshot is 'Booyashaka!'
-She sleeps with her hands crossed
-Enclosed areas
-Seeing the people she loved being burned in front of her


-She's fatally allergic to nuts

-She is insomniac and thus can stay up for hours at a time

-Her menstrual cycle comes once every three weeks

-She was a smoker

-She's a very light sleeper and can wake up at the sudden sound of noise.


What makes You
Ulzzang Name: Kite
Ulzzang Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Back Up Ulzzang Name: Park Young Hee
Back Up Ulzzang Pictures: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 |
Outfit: This (It's black, has a jacket for warmth and the white shirt can be easily tied up if needed.) The shoes however are changed to sneakers
Height: 167cm
Weight: 63kg
-She has a hat which is ALWAYS on her. (Hat)
-She has a tatto0 on her back. (Tattoo)
-She has a piercing on her right ear. (Piercing)
Hidden Pasts
History: Ria was in a military school until she graduated at the age of 18. She joined the Police Cadet force and excelled in a very fast pace. After a year of intensive training in the Corps, the virus broke out. From her survival and shooting skills she was taught during her training, Ria planned out her provisions carefully and stayed low. The first week of surviving out in the infected streets were at first terrifying and filled with adreanaline. Ria coped very quickly and had a few meetings with life threathening situations. She learnt that her menstrual blood attracted Zombies faster then normal blood and used that to her advantage. She would create traps and diversions using that but had to spend sleepless nights because of it. Zombies are more active at night you know. She survived up all on her own until she stumbled upon a few other survivors.
Childhood: Ria was born in Korea. Her father died when she was 5 from a car accident. Ria witnessed the scene from her home window as her father was coming back home. A drunk driver crashed into her father and the oil sparked a flame, burning her father to bits. Ria was traumatised and developed the fear of fire. Her family was financially troubled after her father's death. Seeking for new jobs, they moved to the US for a better life. Her mother remarried to Benjamin Carter when Ria turned 6. Her step-dad was a disiplined and violent man. Ria grew up harshly, taught to be independant on her own. This caused her to develop depression. Sensing weakness in her, her step-dad shipped her off to military school. That changed her personality drastically. She grew up with hard outerior shell, refusing to let anyone see her weak side. She picked up smoking as a habit during her stay at the US.
She moved back to Korea when her mother died of leukemia to work as a police officer. She was traumatised after losing her mom for a moment but kept it all bottled inside. She didn't want to be vulnerable. As a result, she put up a serious and rude facade towards everyone she meet to hide her harsh upbringings. As much as she tried to hide it however, Ria was absolutely lonely. She couldn't find anyone who could understand how she felt and having everyone disliking her serious and no fun attitude did nothing to help. But Ria set those problems behind her. At some point of her life, Ria found a liking to the movie 'The Sound Of Music'. She liked it for some weird reason. She lived a lonely-filled life until the outbreak came out.
Park Hyunwoo || 31 ; 1st Oct || Father || Ria got along well with her father. 9 || He was a gentle and loving man. Ria loved her father to bits but lost him to a tragic car accident. || She didn't react. She was happy her father was dead before the disease came. She was glad he didn't suffer from it.
Kim Gyurim || 35; 15 Dec || Mother || Ria loved her mother and was devastated when she died. 10 || She's a timid and kind woman. She can't stand up for herself. || Her mother died before the outbreak. No point in reacting there.
Benjamin Carter || 39 ; 20th July || Stepfather || 6. She's pissed that he sent her to military school || Strong and disciplined demeanor. Ria has a hard time opening up to him because of his violent streak. || Ria was worried for his safety at first but dismissed it, knowing he could survive on his own.
*Friends: Her partner.
What can You Do
Abilities: Trained and assigned to be a Sniper. She is physically trained from her childhood so she is well fit. She takes pride in her sudden agility when her adrenaline pump into her. You can trust her on night shift duty. She's insomniac so she can't sleep well.
Side effects: She can't swim. And her three week Menstrual Cycle is bound to be her downfall at some point.
Weapon:  T-12 Rifle (Sniper Rifle)|| Long Range || I rock using my sniper! || She snagged it from the Police storeroom before the outbreak came.
Back Up weapon: TDI Vector (SMG)|| Long Range and Short Range. Mostly preferred is Short Range || Can't use it well from long distance. Only uses it for Short ranges during dire situations. Otherwise, acceptably well in using it. || Stole it from a local Gun Shop during the 4th day on the infected streets.
-She's a klutz when sneaking around.
-Her three week Menstrual Cycle will have you cursing her for being a magnet.
-She can't swim
Intelligence: 9/10
Strength: 8/10
Speed: 8/10
Stealth: 3/10 (She can't snoop around for . She rather stay her distance and headshots from the distance. BOOYASHAKA!)
Stamina: 7/10
Endurance: 5/10 
Resolve: 8/10
Intuition: 5/10 
Agility: 7/10
Bravery: 6/10
Trusting: 3/10 (She has a VERY hard time trusting newbies)
Trustworthy: 9/10 (You can trust her)
*Additional details: She calls her rifle 'Foxy' and her SMG 'Baby.
Who Can You Love
Partner: Lee Taemin (SHINee)
Age: 20
Personality: He is a bubbly man but can be serious when he wants to be. He is nice towards people and they find it weird to have such a fun man around a serious woman. Taemin is the complete opposite of Ria and the only thing they both have in common is their loyalty to the group. He is quiet when Ria speaks, only there to show her support but will voice out any disagreements he has with confidence. He is emitting an encouraging aura to the people around him and wouldn't mind being the shoulder for you to cry on. He is trustworthy and the only downfall he has is that he is too trusting. Gullible at certain situations, the only time he will not forgive you is when you take advantage of him.
Abilities: Medical Person. He's into double pistols and is an asset for sneaking around for surveillance. Disadvantages : Too trusting. He is born colorblind to the color red.
Relationship: Friends. He found Ria attractive and volunteered to be her backup person. They became a team and slowly, Ria opened up to him. They became lovers after he saved Ria from being eaten. She trusts him more then anyone in the world. 
Interaction: Taemin acts like a comforting man around her, neutrlizing her serious personality. Ria acts slightly more fun around him which is saying something. During the heat of battle, they work like a well-oiled machine. His short range attacks helped back her up when she is in long range. 
*Anything Else?: He kisses Ria goodnight before he goes to sleep in hopes she will have some sleep. He has a habit of walking half-crouched when he is in stealth mode.
Back Up Partner: Kai (EXO)
Age: 19
*Personality: Same
*Abilities: Same
*Relationship: Same
*Interaction: Same
*Anything Else?: Same
Scene requests: NIL. 
Can I Trust You
*Enemy/Rival: NIL
*Reason: [Why do you hate each other?]
Are you ready
Comments: Nothing's wrong. You're spot on everything and I frankly can't wait for the story to start! ^_^
*Suggestions: Well, not at the moment. If you need help in some scenes, you can ask me for some suggestions. I don't have any currently.
Sacrifice: I'd sacrifice my partner. Hey, somebody's gonna die and it ain't gonna be me! XD
I hope you enjoyed filling out the application ^^
If you have any more questions, please message me. 


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s-iryeon #1
What do you mean by NIL?