Chrome application

Personal Information

AFF Username: ainnurdoongie

Profile Link: me!

Character Information:

Name: Kim Young Gi
Age: 18
Date of Birth: 07.01.1994
Height: 178 cm
Weight: 49 kg
Blood Type: A
Nationality: Korean
Full Korean


Young Gi is definitely a very shy boy. he doesnt really talk to anyone and it seems as if he is afraid of everyone. Young Gi was known as a nerd in school and then was when he started to learn dancing to prove everyone wrong. this 'nerdy' boy was also indeed a genius as he excelled in his studies. since young gi rarely talks, he has this one expression, in which he always look away when he talks to someone, especially girls. he stutters a lot when he is nervous, but as now he wants to achieve his dreams to be a popular singer and dancer and proves to everyone that he is not a coward, he tried so hard to overcome his old behaviour.

he is very hardworking and tries to be friends with everyone. his current closest friends are the Chrome members and they tried to raise his self confidence too for young gi's self confidence was not that high. he always finds other people way much better than him, without even realising that he is very good in dancing and playing instruments too. for his attitudes, he is always being recognized as the very polite and well mannered boy. many people will actually feel the urge to protect young gi everytime they see him for his fragile look.

Likes: piano, guitar, books, being alone, listening to music, write songs especially when he is alone, cats

Dislikes: crowd of people, shopping, dogs, being called a nerd, food (he thinks he is fat)


being born in a family of three siblings makes him look up to his brothers very much. both his brothers are very successful in their own field (his eldest brother is an engineer and his second eldest brother is currently studying medicine in Ireland). his parents were always supporting him in whatever he chose, but unfortunately his father was strongly against his will this time, when he told them that he was going to be a singer. both his parents are lawyers and they thought that music was only meant to be a hobby. however, young gi took that as a challenge and eventually promised to be successful in it as well. with that, both his parents agreed, but with one condition, that is if he was not going to debut or be a singer in 3 years' time, young gi will be asked to leave the industry and further his studies in law.


good - he loves to make sure his roommate (member in chrome) sleeps first before he sleeps *he thinks that is as if respecting the other*

bad - he almost never dare to look into someone's eyes when he talks.

Hobbies: playing guitar, playing piano (epecially when he is sad or lonely), write songs, read books


  • an MBLAQ and IU and Ailee fanboy
  • the first kpop song he knew to dance was DBSK mirotic
  • always being the script writer of those plays at his school
  • owns a cat named 'Hanna' (his best friend at home)
  • auditioned for SM but got rejected. then went for JYP's audition and got accepted as trainee. but not even a year later, he auditioned for TEMPO ent. and got in.
  • knows how to cook well *he once dreaming to be a chef when he was a kid*
  • despite of being a singer, he also looks forward to acting as well.
  • once auditioned for a role in SBS's fashion king but got rejected



Ulzzang Name: song chan ho
Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4

Back Up Ulzzang Name: park sang il
Links: 1 | 2



Family Members:

Kim Hyung Sik | 50 | Father | Not very close | quite strict, always supports his sons before, but against young gi's dreams of becoming a singer, cold to young gi ever since.

Go Min Ah | 48 | Mother | Very Close | very caring, supportive to her sons, loves to smile, comforts young gi a lot

Kim Young Dook | Eldest brother | Very close | the only one that supports young gi with his dream, loves to travel, treat young gi as his best friend

Kim Young Gul | Second eldest brother | Not very close | not really care about young gi, loves studying very much, a hardworking student, the most intelligent among the siblings


Jung Dong Wook (friends from elementary school until now) | 18 | Very close | the only best friend young gi had, supports young gi to become a singer very much, helps him through his difficult times, quite loud, talkative, bright

Love Interest: Chrome member -- If only he can have Hyde. xD naahh you can put anyone. i am thinking to put the two because of hyde's cold personality. anyone can do actually :))
Back Up Love Interest: MBLAQ's Yang Seung Ho


Idol Stuff:

Stage Name: -
Position: Lead Dancer/Lead Vocals
Back Up Position: Main dancer *i dont know what else to choose. sorry :(*
Talents: write songs, write scripts, playing piano, playing guitar, composing songs, dance cover, imitating animal sounds



this is my first time applying for a character that is not that happy. xD i always write for the bubbly and active ones, or at least WAS active until something happens. well, i hope my character is not too dull. if you have anything you want me to add, let me know, okay? gumawo :))


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