What Must I DO??

What must I do!? What must I do?!

Last night, my crush sent me a message. He want to know who is my 'crush' now. Yeah, I couldn't told him because, MY CRUSH IS HIM!

When I said that I can't tell him, he forced me until at 2 a.m! And he sent me messages, maybe 7 + 3 facebook message! (which all have same core) GOD!

Besides, I've told him about my crush's characteristics.

AISHHH! What must I do?


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ega-ssi13 #1
@ALL _ I've told him that I like him and he told me that he likes me too :3
I think you should indirectly tell him. maybe like a joke? like if you're really close, "It's you because you are too handsome xD lol. just kidding. You first." or you'll end up heartbroken just like what novynel said ^^
marshmellowcakes #3
hahaha, i think you should LOOOOL. Joke around, maybe question him on who his crush is? turn the conversation onto him? It would be nice to have a bubbily, fun conversation. I think you should tell him you like him :P
102xxx #4
Tell him hoonneessttllyyyyy xDD
Just give him hints! :) who knows that maybe he likes you back? :)
I'm going through the same kind of situation... Ask him who he likes and if who he likes is like you...maybe you'll have a shot. BUT IT'S YOUR CHOICE! Whatever you do, I hope for the best~ just like novynel said "Follow your heart"
Tell him you like him? Why dont take a shot. x)
you might as well go with the flow and ask him about his crush and all because if you say it immediately you might be heartbroken, just like me /sigh/ but seriously. you can tell if the boy is sincere right? just like any mother would say JUST FOLLOW YOUR HEART