What's the dealio, yo?

Ha, I figured out how to make this text field work on the kindle. It doesn't seem to like anything else besides HTML modes and whatnot. Such a shame, really.

Anyway, I wanted to give some sort of update just so you guys know that... like... I didn't disappear off the face of the earth or something. No, no. I am most certainly still breathing and if you touch me... I promise that I am still quite solid. Just be careful on where you place those touchy hands of yours. Being molested out of no where would be kind of creepy and disturbing, to say the least.

Oh, right, an update. Sleep Haunt will still be resumed when I finally get the chance to. Japanese class took a lot more money than I could have ever imagined! It was seriously the most expensive class I had. Seriously, who charges $300 for just one book and how do they get away with it? Add on top of that the $90 workbook and then the two other (fortunately cheaper) books. /rageface

Fortunately, they are good for a full year.

So, in short, I have to wait until next quarter to actually buy myself a new laptop. HOWEVER, I figured out a way to.... painstakingly type up the next chapter on the kindle but um... yeah, it is quite a pain. However, I will try to persevere.

As for my beta, we are kind of on rocky terms right now when it comes to our personal relationship... so, I may not have a beta for Sleep Haunt readibly available and you may see a few errors here and there and I am very sorry for that.

ALSO NORMALLY I WOULD SPAM THE OUT OF THIS ENTRY WITH GIFS AND LIKE THAT BUT... no computer. :( And this thing haaates loading up photo storage sites.

.....peace yo mah homie g's from- oh God it auto-corrected to homo-g's. A+

I am going to go molest Block B's new album now.


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SadisticSinner #1
Auch...I take japanese classes too but I only pay 90$(without the textbook) for two months so yeah. The book is around 30$.
But anyway...I'll wait for chu :3 I rly like your fic!
Good luck!