
Now, I'm in the bathtub. Having my own time, for myself, to keep myself sane. I just so ing tired with all these stupid things. Assignment! Every freaking day, my lecture keep telling us to do the same things, but, when we show what they want, they said, "wtf is this? I don't want this. I want something beyond this." But, when we did, they said, "I don't want this. This is not what we want" wtf?! Ugh! I'm so ing tired, and I don't want to repeat all the stupid things. Everyday, we did the same things, and we submit it,they threw our works away. Gosssshh! Pleaassee! I don't want to study anymore. This is not what I want. And shooting! We have to postpone it next week bcz, all of us are little bit busy, and most of them got a lot of another production/job waiting for them. And this is not really important for them, so we got to postpone this for a while, and do this another time. While me, this is my only one, and I don't have to rush things, so, yeah, I'm stuck with school and those stupid assignment. AND, I'm on school trip right now, thank god, it just only for a few days. But, this week it should be my holiday. Actually I should be at home, sleeping, hangout, and doing nothing. Ugh! This school trip, is totally a disaster for me. To tell the truth, I don't like my classmate. Well, the boys only. I hate my boy friend/classmate. They are totally an s.sheessh! I don't know why, I have to stuck with them at this stupid place, for stupid reason. I DON'T UNDERSTAND!. Yes, I'm not in a good mood right now. I hate everyone right now. I hate everything I have to do right now. Someone please save me from this stupid place. Ugh. (I'm being a baby/snobbish right now. Yeah, I know)


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