My Best Friend & Me

So yesterday, we had our college parade...

We wanted to leave early.

We take the train home together so yeah...

When we were trying to go out, the ushers and usherettes were blocking the exit. We were like. 

'Damn it.' 

Then when I was going to whisper my escape plan to him, he then faced and our faces were like only an inch apart. I backed off and he looked away.

Then when we finally escaped. We both shouted. "FREEDOM!" Then we ran away from the ushers and usherettes.

When we were on our way home, he told me how his throat was hurting. Then I remembered how he told me that he had a fever the day before, then I knew then it was Tonsilitis.

I told him to not eat sweets cause it'll hurt.

Then when we were outside the train station, he saw the vendor who was selling chocolates and he was about to buy one when I glared at him and said.

"What did I say about sweets?" I asked him.

He looked at the chocolate for a long time then smiled and told the vendor that he won't buy instead.

When I told my friends about this, they then started saying.

"He likes you." 

I'm like.


"Cause he keeps following you." 

And I'm like.



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awww~ those sweet moments:)
mines...didn't turn out right:3
but urs shurely will;)
i think so too..