98 Truths

1. Real Name: Genevieve

2. Nickname(s): cao bao

3. Zodiac Sign: Cancer

4. Male or Female: Female

5. Elementary School: Forgot liao

6. College: Too young

8. Hair Color: Black

9. Tall or Short: 160cm and i'm a teenager; you tell me if i'm tall

10. IM or Email: Email

11. Sweats or Jeans: Jeans

12. Health Freak: No

13. Orange or Apple: Apple

14. Do you have a secret crush on someone: No longer

15. Eat or Drink: Drink

16. Piercings: Duh, on my ears

17. Pepsi or Coke: Coke

18. Been in an Airplane: Yep

19. Been in a Relationship: Yep but it wasn't for love...

20. Been in a Car Accident: Almost, i accidentally hit the car steering wheel

21. Been in a fist fight: With four siblings, it's kind of hard not to

22. First piercing(s): Ears at five years old, i think...

23. Current Best Friend(s): /zips lips

24. First Award: Primary two the time

25. First Crush: Not saying

26. First Word: A Cantonese word

27. Last Person You Talked To In Person: My dad, a few moments ago actually

28. Last Person I Texted: Jill, Char and Kel; group chat mah

29. Last Person You Watched A Movie With: In cinema, it's Jill, Char and Kel but at home, then it's with my siblings

30. Last Movie You Watched: Cinema, it's "The Dark Knight Rises" and home is "Magic For Win" i think

31. Last Song You Listened To: B.A.P's 'Stop It'

32. Last Thing You Bought: Wanton noodles ^^

33. Last Person You Hugged: Forgot liao; wanted to hug someone today but got rejected :'( Lol

34. Favorite Food: No idea

35. Favorite Drink: It's a tie between Sprite and milk tea

36. Bottoms: Pink shorts

37. Flowers: None

38. Animal: Rabbits <3

39. Color(s): Pink, purple and blue are the top three ^^

40. Favorite Movie: House of Flying Daggers; ever heard of it? has mild ual content though...

41. Favorite Subject: English


Have you ever...

42. [x] gotten Baptized

43. [ ] celebrated Halloween

44. [ ] had your heart broken

45. [x] went over the minutes/texts on your phone

46. [ ] had someone question your ual orientation

47. [ ] got pregnant

48. [ ] had an abortion

49. [x] did something you regret

50. [x] broke a promise

51. [x] hid a secret

52. [x] pretended to be happy

53. [ ] met someone who changed your life

54. [x] pretended to be sick

55. [x] left the country

56. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't have tried but liked it

57. [x] cried over a silly thing

58. [x] ran a mile

59. [ ] went to the beach with your best friend

60. [x] got into an argument with your friends

61. [x] hated someone

62. [x] stayed single for a whole year



63. eating: nothing

64. drinking: does my saliva counts XD

65. listening to: Audio from an episode of 'Your Hand In Mine'

66. sitting/laying: sitting

67. plans for today: Sleep

68. waiting for: my Prince Charming~ Nah, secondary two, i guess?


Your future...

69. want kids: Yep

70. want to get married: Yep

71. career: get married to a rich guy so don't need to work ^^ Kidding lah... honestly, i don't know


Which one is in a significant order..

72. lips or eyes: eyes

73. shorter or taller: taller

74. romantic or spontaneous: romantic

75. hook-up or relationship: relationship

76. looks or personality: personality


Have you ever..

77. lost your glasses/contacts: nope

78. snuck out of your house: Yep

79. held a gun/knife for self-defense: Knife

80. killed somebody: almost

81. broken somebody's heart: Yep

82. cried when someone dies: Only got teary-eyed


Do you believe in..

83. yourself: sometimes yes, sometimes no

84. miracles: Sometimes

85. love at first sight: I think so

86. heaven: Duh

87. santa claus: Nope

88. on first date: Nope

89. kiss on first date: On the cheek, maybe


90. Is there one person you want to be with right now: Yes?

91. Do you know who your real friends are: Not sure actually, i don't make the first move because i'm scared of rejection ><

92. Do you believe in God: Obviously

93. Post as 100 truths: I'll post as 98 truths



94. quote a famous person: To do or not to do?

95. say something funny: ...

96. laugh at yourself: No?

97. last message: Bye?

98. a picture of you: Check my profile lah; too lazy


Stolen from LoveYoona


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can I steal this? lol :)
OMG I MISSED THAT NICKNAME <3 CAOBAO ~ ^^ HAHA, haven't called you that for like months.