I_ and Eunhyuk

It's been years since I first heard the rumors. I'm not an IU fan before that rumors spread neither after. I'm sorry for IU stans but I tried to get myself to like her for these past years since my friends like her but I just can't. Especially now, when all of the worlds are bringing me to hate her.

My mind is saying that I must not hate her but my heart does otherwise. I know I have to understand Eunhyuk and love the 'friend' or 'hoobae' he loves but... as a girl and as a normal jewel I can be... I just... can't. I hate myself for being kind of possessive of the man I can't ever have. For being so emotional and stupid of things. I can't even put my feelings into words. I just feel it. Also I hate myself for being so random right now. In reality I'm just a fan, I have to be happy for my bias but can you blame me if in the world I built for us-- I have the right to be depressed and sulk my day. 

I'm sorry for being so random, silly and everything. /sigh/




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mrsqyuchoi #1
My ship has sinked in a deep blue sea....
Lets hug sister for I feel the same.