Application for S n o w Maidens and the ( 7 ) Huntsmen with R e d s

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I am Ahn Yonni, a servant at the castle.


Why hello there, you must be a new worker...

Username: elf_verl
Profile Link: Check me out!
Activity: 7


Now, we just need to know a few things about you...

Character Name: Ahn Yonni
Nickname(s): Matcha-Cat- Because she loves to drink matcha and she is a cat person
Age: 20 
Birthday: 11/13/1991
Ethnicity: Korean
Language(s): Korean(Fluent), English (Fluent)
Birthplace: Korea


Well, don't you have a pretty little face...

Ulzzang Name: Kim Shin Yeong
Picture Links
 one | two | three | four | five | six
Backup Ulzzang: Lee Geum Hee
Backup Ulzzang Picture Links
 one | two three | four
Height: 160cm
Weight: 55kg


So this is what you're like huh...


Yonni's personality is just like how she looks like, gentle and sweet. However, she can be rather wilful and unreasonable at times, especially when someone tries to deny her desserts. A typical sugar addict, she is always very hyper, and loves to make new friends. On the outside, nothing seems to be able to pull her down, but deep inside, she is actually using the happy facade to hide from her fears. Fears that she will not have anyone to talk to or care for.

Afraid of being left alone, she is an attention seeker who constantly needs others around her. She is very easily crushed and finds it hard to get back onto her feet after failures despite her sunny deposition. However, she cries very easily and can be reduced to a bundle of tears simply by reading a touching book. Contrary to her fear of being left alone, she loves the dark because of its unpredictable nature. Secretly, she craves excitement as slavery bores her.

Yonni has a soft spot for older men, especially those who are near the age of her father. She once got into serious trouble for helping an old man who had been made prisoner at the castle escape. She chooses to play the role of a care-giver, using it to comfort her regrets of being unable to care for father, although she herself needs taking care of most of the time.

Persona: Sensitive Joker
Yonni used to have the most perfect family. Well, at least to her. Even though they weren't rich, they led very happy days. Father was a chef, and Mother was a housewife. Yonni's childhood was filled with laughter and joy as she got the full attention of both her parents, with her being the only child. She did not had much contacts with her grandparents as her father was an orphan. Her maternal grandparents were rich people, but had disowned Yonni's mother when she chose to marry a lowly chef. However, Yonni's happiness did not last long. Her mother was taken away by a cruel car accident when she was 5 years old, leaving her and her father in agony. Yonni's father never really came out of the pain of losing his wife, and resorted to drinking, leaving young Yonni all alone at home most of the time. Since her mother's death, Yonni took up the role of both the daughter, and the female master of the house by doing all the cleaning, and cooking. She was cheated into the slavery circle when she was 8 after being told that she would be getting a well paid job.


Boram/T-ara || 23 || alive || A soft and sweet person who was always punished because she makes mistakes in her task. However, she is very propective towards her friends, and is always ready to shoulder the blame for Yonni's mistakes.

IU/ Soloist || 20 || alive || A gentle but tough girl who knows how to stand up for herself. She was forced to become a slave together with Yonni, and thus they share a very close relationship. However, she is very afraid of changes, thus did not escape when the opportunity presented itself.


1) Cats

2) Music

3) Singing

4) Horror Movies

5) Anything paranormal

6) Collecting things

7) Matcha



1)  Two-faced people

2) Animal Abusers

3) People who don't work for what they want

4) Butterflies

5) Loud Noises

7) Fierce people



1) When she is too tired, she loses her temper easily. But she also cools down very fast, and will definitely apologise to those that sufferred her wrath.

2) She loves to play with her hair, and is constantly fidgeting with it.

3) She is terrified of butterflies, when she sees butterflies, her mind becomes blank instantly, and her only thought would be to get away from that insect, even if it means jumping off the stage.

4) She suffers from slight OCD, and have the urge to arrange stuff in order.

5) Sugar-Addict. Yonni always carries sweets or similar substitutes around with her.



1) Butterflies

2) Being alone

3) Punishments

4) Heights

Talents: Assault Rifles, Daggers and Melee combat skills


Everyone's got that special someone, so who is yours...?

Love Interest: Leeteuk (Super Junior)- Park Jungsoo
Age: 25
Personality: He is a bright and sunny person who seems to be able to light up any room that he steps into. Caring and gentle, he is nice to everybody that he meets. Your typical Mr-Nice-Guy. He's also humorous and witty, and is able to see the light in even the darkest thing. He is also very determined when it comes to matters that he holds dear in his heart, showing his do-or-die attitude. He loves to laugh and spend 90% of his time either smiling, laughing, or talking. However, cross him once and he will never ever forget it.
Relationship: His smiling eyes and the dimple on his left cheek left Yonni breathless since the first time she met Leeteuk. Whenever she's with Leeteuk, he never fails to amaze her with his never-ending zeal in everything that he does. His gentleness and caring behaviour only caused her to fall more and more for him without even knowing whether he shared the same feelings towards her.

Backup Love Interest: Lee Sungmin (Super Junior) || 23 ||  Quiet but understanding. Sungmin is a very quiet boy who tends to keep to himself due to shyness. He only opens up to his close friends and family. With them, he becomes a bubbly boy who loves to do aegyo to make them happy. He is quick to understand the pains that others felt, but slow to share his.

Rival: Im Yoona (SNSD)  || 19 || Yoona hated Yonni ever since the first day she stepped into the castle. Especially when their masters began to favour Yonni over her, her hatred towards the girl grew by the day. She's always trying to make the other servants go against Yonni, but because of Yonni sweet personality, she had never really succeeded. || She is a competitive and scheming person who always has a knack for getting out of trouble. She entered the castle at a tender age of 6 years old, and hated others who can get the things she wants but unable to get.


Ready to start working...?

Password: Dongwoo!
Sacrafice: Hopefully she doesn't die><



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