Idols in jeopardy!

So as a fan i would like to comment about IU and hyuk's leaked photo. Well there's some fans who are mad with the girl and bash her. If they really are having a relationship or what we as a fan should support whatever their personal life. I'm not an ELF or something but on behalf of a fangirl. I just want to tell to you guys that we shouldn't get mad about who they are having a relationship with. Even we really don't want that person to who he/she having something with we should respect it. What would be the idols think of us if we are not supporting whatever they have in their personal lives?? They would be soo sad. And that would not be a good thing right?? I'm sad because when some things like this happens some fans are going crazy. We should know where we going to stand. As a fan i believe whatever the idols choose/decide on their own personal lives we should continue supporting them. They need it! They need it for them to be strong when some rumors would jeopardize their career. That's all! Peace! Just an opinion. Hope you understand guys! T.T 


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i second. :)