falling inside my head...

Sometimes I fall inside my head, letting my thoughts eat me alive. Today in particular,I thought of people I hurt. Now that I'm older I see the fault in not only young relationships, but also in dating your friends. There is one boy who I had been friends with and I feel horrible for the hell I put him through. I left him for his ex best friend, and didn't tell him for about a month, then turned around and dumped the other boy(for personal reasons that time though). I'm still friends with the best friend, but I haven't talked to the first boy in ages. Truly all I want to do is apologize, he was really sweet and didn't deserve what I did to him. But I'm to scared to say something, I'm afraid he'll respond. I don't want to talk, just for him to hear my hearts consent... I'm stuck at a cross road, without any caveat as to which path is worse, being they're both lurid...


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