Bad end of the year.

My Sister in law Shadow is back in the hospital, this time more then likely shes not coming out alive. She has Lupus, and in August she had a nasty flare up. She was hospitalized for a month then got out just to go back in about a week later. After another week in the hospital she was oked to leave.

Uh a lot of family drama happened so since then my family and I haven't spoken much to her or my brother.

Last night she was kissing the kids goodnight and fell unconscience 

She was taken to the hospital where she ended up having a seizure. I just found out 3 hours ago that she suffered a bit of brain damage and that the doctors have placed her into a medically induced coma. She'll be having medications throughout the night to lower the pressure on her brain.

Due to my past experience with hospitals when they put someone in a induce coma they dont really think they will make it.

I know that my brother will probably blame us for this (he has a warped way of thinking) and probably will never speak to us again if/after she passes. 

This year especially the end of this year hasn't really been kind to me or my family. I hope that if she does pass its painless and swift. 

Not one for prayers but I'll be sending one tonight, for my brother and his family. 



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GardenOfDestruction #1
It's sad, it's horrible. I'll pray for your brother's family too. Stay strong :(