Be ma Girl





iPod surfel game again



My friends see me as: Sixth Sense (BEG) -OMG I see dead people.


My make-out song is: Beautiful Night (B3ST) - Yes. B3ST

My day will be like: White Forever (MBRAQ) - Well I am white..

I’ll have a good day if I can just hear: Teen Top (Teen Top)

Next time I’m in front of a crowd, I’ll say: Doradora (UKISS) - I'm hoping Dora will be there.


My message to the world has always been: To You (Teen Top)


Somewhere in my wedding vows, I will include: Freeze (B Block) - Because I don't want a mofoing wedding. Marriage .


My best friend is like: The Grasshopper Song (Sunny Hill) - It's because they're fat.


My alter-ego is: No Mercy (BAP) - I think that's my normal one too.

Right now, I feel: Bubble Pop (Hyunar) - Well I like making odd noises.

My innermost desire is: Hey Baby (Pitbull and TPain) DO NOT ASK.

What makes me happy is: Reading Rainbow Theme - YEAH

My birth was like: I am the Best (2NE1) - Because I am. 

My theme song: Venus (Shinhwa) - Because I'm from Pluto.

My deepest secret is: Day by Day (Pee ara) - Because I die day by day.

If I reached the top of Mount Everest, what I would scream: Spy (Super Junior) - I don't not recall getting this song but oh well.

My favorite thing to do is: Nothing's Over (Inpiniteu) 

The story of my life is: Action (NU'EST) - I watch some action movies and play Just Cause 2. Sounds acurate.


At my funeral they’ll play: Wonderballs (All Sham No Wow) - ING PERFECT.


Behind my back, my friends think: Round and Round (PEE ARA) - I like circles.

If I got lost on a desert island, I would yell: Oh Yeah (MBLAQ) - ALL CTHE SANNNNNNNDDDDD


When I’m in the shower, I sing: Tell Me (SNSD) - Who said I practice personal hygeine?  

My love of life was inspired by the song: Cry (MBLAQ) - No. I like my corner the way it is. I don't need another person coming in and taking up space.

High school was like: Neverland (UKISS) - So UKISS is there? I can take back the last answer if they are.

My family is described by this song: Trouble Maker (Trouble Maker) - OKAY.

How will you die?: Volume Up (4Minute) - I will die with the volume turned up to full and my turtle beaches will break my head.

To cheer myself up? : Close My Eyes (B Block) - I hate closing my eyes. It makes me feel bleh

What will you call this?: Be ma Girl (Teen Top) 





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I see the kirby colour ink meter.
XD that's funny! I want to try.
Hur Hur Hur