Guys! Guys! Guys!


I’m planning a fanfic challenge for you guys who are interested. I mean, you guys have only been reading my stories - I’d want to feast my eyes on your works too :) So please, I highly encourage you to participate in this. Do not be shy lovelies <3

I’ll post up the prompt lines and the rules after I’ve received response from you guys. Humour me with this? :D 

The best story will be posted in my ‘Featured Fanfic’ page in my Tumblr. And if it’s really good, I’ll recommend you to my fellow writers too. It’ll be a good stepping stone for all writers to get to know each other, right? :)

So come on, I'm waiting for your response. I'll need at least 10 of you to make this work :D

Drop me a comment if you're interested okay?


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