How I found this site


I joined this site since 13th May 2010. It almost 6 monts now. 6 wonderful months. I guess. So, today I feel like I wanna share something with all of you. How I got into KPOP and this site. Well, this story started years ago. LOL. Not that many years. Maybe between the end of 2008 and early 2009.I was into KPOP because of DBSK. How I know DBSK? (since August or September 2008) From Winglin. LOL. How I know Winglin?(since July or August 2008) When I search for Ikuta Toma(2008) info. How I know Ikuta Toma? Since I watch Hanazakari no Kimitachi e(2008). How I know Hanazakari no Kimitachi e? Since I borrowed the drama's cd from my friend, Fatin(2007). How I know Fatin? Since we are in the same batch of our faculty at the university. LOL.


When I type for Ikuta Toma girlfriend[LOL] on Google, the showed a fanfic at Winglin. A Page of Our Life, the title of that fic. Horikita Maki is Toma's girlfriend. After that, I tried search for another Ikuta Toma's fanfic. There are not a lot of fics that featuring Japanese idols. At that time almost all DBSK's fanfics flooding Winglin. I was wondering, who the hell is DBSK? That time I don't know that TVXQ and DBSK are the same group. I heard of TVXQ before but I thought they are Taiwanese boy band. LOL. So I clicked one of the fics. It was about all members of DBSK are vampires. The main girl were sold by her stepmother to be a maid at DBSK house. It kinda good. Good plot, writing styles, dialogue ect.. and it was rated fic. That was the first rated fic I ever read at my life. LOL. I was so innocent back then. I event comment that I don't like the rated part. The author removed it after that. I feel bad right now. Yes, fanfics polluted my innocent mind. Thanks Winglin.


After that, I search about DBSK. On YouTube, On Google, everywhere. It took me a while to recognize them. One by one. At that time, Jaejoong caught my eyes. So, that is when I into KPOP songs. But not yet a die-hard-fan. After DBSK, I was into Big Bang and TOP caught my eyes. LOL. I interested in Big Bang because my cousin show me the videos of them. They make a comedy spoof of Coffee Prince and I find TOP is a good actor. After that I saw Lollipop MV from my friend and I start to search about them. So, from that, I know Super Junior, SNSD, After School, SHINee, 2PM etc. I share the same interest with 2 of my friends. We are not that close but we are okay. We are closer now because we have something to talk too. My other friends will avoid us if we start to talk about KPOP because they are not really into it. Other thing makes me like KPOP is of course KOREAN DRAMA.  I watch Winter Sonata when I was 13 [2002], Autumn in my heart, My Girl, Princess Hours, Coffee Prince, Boys Over Flowers, You're Beautiful etc.. [courtesy to some of my friends because they allowed me to borrow their cd].


Omo, I talk to much, didn’t' I? Sorry. But I feel like I wanna write today. and sorry if there are alot of grammar mistakes. Grammar is my biggest problem, besides vocabulary.


So, after I finish study [April 2010], I was stuck at my hometown. I was searching and applying for tons of jobs but I am unlucky because until now I still jobless. So to fill my day, I open Winglin everyday. At that time, my latest obsession is Super Junior. There were a lot of apply fanfics and I tried it. Well, as everyone knows that I'm unlucky, I never get picked. But I still tried it eventhough I will never get picked. So, one day I apply for this fic title 'Vampire Hunters'. I apply and few days later I got an e-mail that I was picked as one of the character. I was so happy. It feels like I got a job. LOL. When I go that fic again at Winglin, I notice the author, Mizanimation said that she also posted this story at So, I decided to look at that site and after that I registered it. After registered, I wandering around the site a found an apply fic for one-shot. The author is crasykikki. So I decide to apply it. Then at the tagbox, I notice she was there, so I start to talk to her.. Then ime_fr came. Then we all start to chat. Crasykikki and ime_fr are my first friends here. They both are so nice. They make me want to come to this site again besides the fanfics. I like this site because we can communicate with other author.


I miss my old friends here. They are rarely online now and if they are online, it was not the same time I was online. I miss chatting crazily with Kikki, ime, Tasha[Kira], Sheila, Elly, Yunni, Ria, Miranda, Rei, Faith, Jo and some of the old members here. Eventhough we are not really close but when we chat it seems like we already known for years. Yes, I miss the old time in AFF. That time, the people were still nice and behave. The younger people still respect the older people eventhough the older people are new to this site. Not a lot of younger people join this site at that time [That time I always the oldest among my friends here]. It's not like I hate younger people here but sometimes they are too rude. And when they are rude, I could not blame the older people to be rude too. The younger people are kinda troublesome sometimes. Not all of them but some of them.


That time, when I still using my old laptop [before it broke down] I used to sleep at 5 am or 6 am because I enjoyed chatting with them. And also that time, my internet line always gives me problem, I have to refresh every 5 minutes but it doesn't stop me continue chatting with them. Yes, I miss the old time I had. Hurm... It's not like I hate my new friends here but we don't really share the same interest. When I wanna join them at the tagbox, I feel lost because I don't know what they talked about. Sometimes I feel left behind. So, it was better I leave before I start offense some people by my words. Now, I share the computer with my older brother and he used it most of times, I only can online from 1 pm- 6pm. I want to online at 2 am - 5am but at that time my brother still used it. So, I have to give up and go to sleep.


I know this post kinda long. I'm sorry but I miss my old friends here. Like I said, it's not that I don't like my new friends here, but they already have their click/group/ gang and I feel left behind. That is why I rarely go to tagbox now. I only log in to check updates, friend's blogs and wall post. After that I log off. That is why I miss my old friends. I miss talking to someone that knows me. That considers me as their friend. I miss the glory time.


So, for the last time, I'm sorry if this post might hurt you. I never meant to do it. This is just what I feel right now. I'm sorry for my grammar mistakes and whatever mistakes I done to all of you who read this. Please forgive me... and I forgive you too. Hopefully all of you will always have good day and may God bless you. I always pray good things will happen to my friends and I hope you will do the same to. Thank you for wasting your time reading this. Thank you for being my friend, Thank you for your support, Thank you for anything good you guys done to me... Thank you. I love you guys so much.


Saya sayang kamu semua. Semoga kita berjumpa lagi...


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I never knew I was your first friend here, and you joined a little before I started to write one shot^^ I have always like that one shot I made for you, and are so glad I got to know you^^ I really miss you to, Iefa-unni. And i am so sorry for not being able to talk to you so much, but you know the reason.<br />
I feel with you when it comes to tagbox. I do often feel like i left behind there and sometimes other places. It is such a terrible feeling. I hope I soon could talk to you, and btw my exam is done, so I may begin to write on the next chapter for you from monday.. I love you and really hope to talk to you soon<3<br />
aww! I miss ya too unnie! ^____^<br />
I would love to have a long convo with you! we should all have a joint convo! that would be hella awesome! =D<br />
haha! you were innocent back then! xD<br />
happens to all of us! i can't remember when my eyes lost their innocence, lmao! XD<br />
Noooo~ Umma. i wish i could send you an immortal laptop so you could talk to me all day! I haven't been going on the tagbox much either and there are only a few people that i talk to daily now. Even after we both get jobs, i hope we can still talk, you're my umma after all xD And i didn't find reading this a waste of time. It just shows you care. I don't remember exactly how i found this site, i think it was winglin, but either way it's been a god send. I've talked to so many amazing people. =^3^=
Accidentally_in_love #4
Iefaaa, I'm sorry if I made you feel left out :( I miss you at the taggiebox, come back sometime, yeah?<br />
We need to talk more :):):):)<br />
hmmm, you gave me an idea... I think I'll write about how I found this site as a blog too ^^<br />
love u Iefa xx Ur awesome ~ and my umma hehe