HELP NEEDED!!! please? :S

ok here's the thing...


I got this friend who's really really nice with me and I like to talk with him. He's funny and blahblahblah... but the'res a problem. I have the great feeling that he has a crush on me... and I don't know what to do. He says that he loves me, invite me out, acts more than cute with me and says thing too cheesy for his own good sake. WHen I asked him, he totally denied it.

But, the real problem is that I don't like him AND I already have a crush on another guy (nothing to do with him)


 ('keeps sleeping on your legs and gets confy on them')





(see what I'm talking about?!)




and... I don't knwo what to do! I don't want to hurt him or something like that... ;-;




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Hmmm :/ If you're not sure if he has a crush on you, I personally wouldn't say anything. I don't have the guts to just tell someone that I don't like him ^^' And if you're wondering, yes, it happened to me once... but with a girl °° I didn't say anything because I wasn't sure, and then one day she confessed to me, and yeah, I told her that I couldn't love her back because I'm not into girls :/ She cried a bit but she was okay after a while ~
........Yeah you should totally tell him that you feel uncomfortable when he tells you stuff like that (O.o) and that you do not like him
The best thing to do it tell him, cuz the last thing you want to do is trail it out and then he finds out you dont like him, if you tell him or signal him somehow then it should be fine but if he keeps on hitting on you then just let him, he will soon get the message ^^