I hate it When______


Ok I recently just became very irritated of something that happenes alot to me lately.

Well on youtube i post a comment saying something like i like this era (in kpop music) and i wish there was more music like this. Well Not people would always reply to my comment telling me all about how they don't do this image anymore cause something  is more in now. or maybe they'll be like all smart a** about it. This normally doesnt bother me but it keeps happening over and OVER again. its really getting on my nevers. It's basiclly like I KNOW. I GET IT. This happens not on one coment but several differen ones.....>.>


Well Another thing is people that assume things and starts to b*tch at me for it. For example i just commented on a kpo vid saying how i don't like something about it. then people like blow up saying they don't need haters here and that i'm anybetter and to go to another video and troll. >____> Seriously. I Didnt say anything that i dont think is bad. I'm actshally a huge fan of that group but i didnt like that One thing and now i'm a hater. GOSH PEOPLE!!!


Oh Now this on really pisses me off.  It was a video on suzy saying she likes taemin. And i said i dont taezy even though i love suzy and i'm a taemin bias. Well Someone commented saying how i'm an overposeive fan and that i will never have a chance with taemin and i should support taemin like a good fan insted of a crazy one. Well I replied and said... I'm not an posseive fan. All I said was i didnt like them togather. I'm a Taelli shipper. Don't have to go all crazy on me. And of course that person replies saying how shes sorry and she didnt know and stuff. Well Duh how are you suppose to know. How is she even suppose to know if im a posseive fan or not. =___=



I Wonder if this happpens to other people to or is it just me and my  luck?

If it does happen to you. Don't you get irritated??


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Never assume things about a fan, you might get a slap to the face *heavily side-eyeing the people on a youtube video with me now -.-*
urgghh It's happens to me too xD<br />
Like, one time, I said that one music video was my least favorite.<br />
They told me that they don't allow haters. -.-<br />
B*tch, I ain't a hater.<br />
It's just not my favorite music video xD<br />