I'm Not A Beggar!

I can't stop loling because of this song like omg.


Don't get me wrong, I'm not hating.


Truthfully, I really adore the song, but I'm singing it sooo wrong.


They say "You're not a bad girl"


And I hear "You're not a beggar"


Ohhh~ so deaf and affected by lack of sleep!


Anywhosies, without further ado;


Boyfriend - Janus


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SeulkiNii #1
hahaha yeah me too and I laugh so damn hard
"You're not a bed, gurl!"
"You're not a beggar!"
"You knot a beck girl!"
"You not a bet, girl!"
"You not a bat, girl!"
To be honnest, I heard "beggar" too! And it really made me laugh! The song is awesome though! Maybe they really meant to say "beggar"...:/
turtlejusz #4
I hear.. bAtgirl~ hahahahaha~
LOL Idols and their engrish xD
lethargicspring #6
I hear you're not a batgirl. xD
I totally agree it sounds like they are saying beggar lol xD
don't take this wrong I'm not hating either but it's like first time I've seen them where not everything or most of everything looks like it's manufactured by barbie >o>; < 3 it's a nice change. I don't know boyfriend that well though. 8')
omg omg ome!!!! i watched i was like OMG! they're so frwaking hot!! and kwangmin is so, -///-
partiallystars #10
Apart from the fact that the chorus is absolutely hilarious rn, I actually like the song.
And they look fiiiiiiiine.
I'm listeing to it atm omfg no
I can't unhear it xD I love how they portrayed The symbolism of Janus though, since he is the two faced Greek god of decisions. One face is good, one is evil :)
Oh god.Are you psychic or something.Almost choked when I saw this because I was, and still am listening to Janus. /LOLs along ♡